Prophetic Word: Your Eyes Shall Be Opened Beloved, Because Of The Sin Nature Of The Serpent Seed You Must Be Born Again
Heyyy my luuvs. Someone must really need this cuz Holy Spirit wants me 2 drop everything and write/post this & I gotta be obedient. I heard in the spirit than your eyes will be opened. And I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit that old devil Satan entering into a serpent and appearing before eve in a tree in the garden. And he was deceiving her 2 eat the fruit that God said was forbidden and she decided to touch it and then the vision ended. I don't know who I'm talking 2 hunny but catch this in your spirit. The reason we all need 2 be born again and recieve God's spirit[John3:3] is because we all have sinned [Romans3:23] & all have the old sin nature of Satan when we are born into the world speaking lies and take our first breath speak Holy Spirit because satan and eve messing around in the garden is the serpent seed and fallen world of humanity becuz it was no longer pure but contaminated with sin and adulterated and the wages of sin is death. That is why humanity dies at old age but if you are born again, you pass from death unto life with an immortal body beloved. Speak Holy Spirit Eve commited adultery with satan which produced cain beloved but it didn't change the fact that eve was still adams rib. Mm cuz The Bible never says cain was Adam's. Mm because cains daddy was actually satan the father of lies the murderer from the beginning[John8:44] and cain killed able who was Adam's. My God speak Holy Spirit. Satan said 2 the woman for God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened & you'll be like God knowing good and evil.[Gen3:5-7] your eyes will be opened catch this in your spirit. They realized they were naked & that's what satan wanted perversion because Satan wants 2 kill steal and destroy[John10:10] & doesnt want you 2 know the truth so he wants you 2 be ignorant of his devices[2Cor2:11] becuz then we perish for lack of knowledge[Hosea4:6] We cannot see the kingdom of God til we are born again[John3:3] because we have the sin nature of satan til we are transformed by the renewing of our minds[Romans12:2] a heart of flesh[Ezekiel36:26] a new spirit as a new creation[2Cor5:17] basically a new person. Mm then we are reconciled 2 the father when we are under the blood of Jesus and born again. Jesus paid for past present and future sins[John3:16] that first started with eve in the garden but first you must ask Jesus 2 come into your heart and ask him to change you and help you 2 live for him and accept him as your Lord and Savior beloved because without the blood of Jesus, without him, there is no forgiveness for sin. Salvation is a free gift. All you gotta do is accept and recieve the baptism of the Holy Ghost and become born again.[Romans10:13] I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus from this day forward your eyes will be opened[2Cor4:4] and you'll be born again for it is not God's will 4 you 2 perish. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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