Prophetic Word: Beloved Just Like Kittens & Cubs With Mama Lion, Train A Child Up In The Way They Should Go & When They Are Old They Will Not Depart From It
Heyyy my luuvs this is for someone my friend. As you know Holy Spirit blessed me a while ago with a surprise unexpected a tuxedo kitten with a pink nose as cute as a button but hes grown since then. And I said ouch not so rough as I was playing with him. But ya know he needed a little disapline becuz of tantrum and rebellion at that age til it grows out of them or a faucet/bath making a mess lol obsession. And I've been teaching him manners and won't let him have treats til he says please first while training him. And everytime he hears me pull out the carrier kennel he goes right in before I even say cuddles go bye bye, ok get in. Nope he goes in before I say it cuz he loves rides with me and my kids and loves drives with music and praying in the spirit. And yes that's part of training my kids watching mom praying in the spirit is training them. And then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a mamma lion with her 3 cubs and they were crossing a hwy road in the wilderness and she is teaching them 2 hunt, disapline and patience. And then I heard in the spirit Beloved just like children, animals will also learn disapline when you train them like the cubs did with mamma lion. Train up a child in the way he should go & when he is old he will not depart from it.[Proverb22:6] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Because the mamma lion was training her cubs when they were young and already started, they are learning how 2 survive and fight in the wilderness. Speak Holy Spirit. Because if you disapline your dogs and cats and your children, when they are older they will not forget. Speak Holy Spirit because its like a footprint apart of them when mom trains them.[Prov22:6] The children would become ignorant of satans devices my God speak Holy Spirit if there was no mamma lion training their cubs how hunt and survive in the wilderness, no mom or anyone training 2 impart revelation 2 them the same way Christians are ignorant of satants devices about the spiritual realm and wickedness in high places speak HolySpirit .[Eph6:11-12] because churches and generations either don't talk about it, want you 2 be ignorant or don't know themselves because they were never taught by anyone either when they were kids. Whoo!! Which is Satans mission & does not want you 2 have access to the realms so he makes sure no one in the generation knows about it. Ignorant what chosen even is. And because of this many Christians are ignorant of satans devices that some of God's kids can actually hear In the realm and see in the spirit and then get hatred & witchcraft accusations and persecution becuz many are called & few are chosen. Not realizing some of us always knew it, different as a kid because we are sensitive in the spirit & chosen[Matthew22:14] since we were kids but didn't know about the realm or the gifts[John10:10] didn't know that seeing through ppl and shadows seeing things was already a gift seeing in the realm and of discerning spirits. Mm God would reveal himself as a kid but we weren't ready 4 it becuz we were ignorant of satans devices.[2Cor2:11] Speak Holy Spirit and weren't old enough 2 understand just knew we were different. I dont know who this is 4 baby but when you train your kids 2 fight in the realm and stay in His word & pray in the spirit, and impart revelation 2 them the same way you taught them right and wrong and how 2 get dressed and be independent. Do not underestimate how you're impacting anyone watching your life beloved and your kids. It will stick with them for the rest of their life and they will not depart from it. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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