Prophetic Word: Beloved The Last Track You Were On Was Derailed Ahead & A Dead End But Now You Are On The Right Track Again
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I heard on the right track again in the spirit waiting for more details and confirmation and then hearing bomb voyage and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit how a bomb fell onto the train and derailed it with an explosive and Mr. Incredible uses his powers and super strength 2 push back the train so the ppl are ok just a little bruised and shook up a bit. And then I heard in the spirit beloved you are on the right track again, the last train track was derailed ahead because there is a way that seemeth right 2 man but in the end it is death.[Proverb14:12] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. There was a deliberate attempt by the enemy 2 come against you and derail you with their weapons of destruction but God delivered you and pushed the train back from killing you[John10:10] becuz you were always the one chosen, and you were on the wrong train headed for destruction. My God speak Holy Spirit. But now you're on the right track again you are headed towards your destiny and purpose.[Jeremiah29:11] Mr. Incredible was saving lives with his gifts. Baby you're about 2 save ppl with your powers and gifts when you're operating in them.[1John4:4] Speak Holy Spirit because the annointing breaks the yoke beloved and by his spirit, God has annointed your lips. My God speak Holy Spirit because you were chosen for such a time as this because he knew you and you were predestinated.[Matthew22:14] Mm the ppl were upset becuz Mr. Incredible saved them as if most of them would have rather died from it then it being him who saved them. My God speak Holy Spirit because many will reject you operating in your gifts because you have the audacity 2 help them. Whoo!! But the stone the builders rejected becomes the chief cornerstone instead [Matthew21:42] and many will reject God's prophet because a prophet is not accepted in their home town beloved. My God speak Holy Spirit[Luke4:24] and when you're operating in your gifts and on the right track again, many will actually have a problem with you or try 2 come against it.[Isaiah54:17] Speak Holy Spirit because Satan is the accuser of the brethren and there is no truth in him. Whoo!! But thus saith the Lord do my prophet no harm and touch not my annointed.[1Chron16:22] Mm The derailed train you were once on beloved the enemy thought you wouldn't get off and come out of it. But God will use the foolish things of this world 2 confound the wise beloved [1Cor1:27] and when he reveals who you've always been who you really are before it manifested, and who you always were even in the spirit, you will come out of hiding isolation season and it will shock all of them just like it shocked alot of ppl when Mr. Incredible was operating in his gifts and went into hiding because of all the lawsuits and threats. Speak Holy Spirit. Thanku Lord. Whoever this word is for beloved I'm hearing in the spirit it's time 2 come out of hiding season and operate in your gifts. Use your powers 2 build my kingdom by my spirit. Whoo!! I don't know who this is for baby but the derailed track was a dead end because there is a way that seemeth right 2 man but it in the end, it leads 2 death and destruction. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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