Prophetic Word: Beloved The Person On The Tightrope Was Losing Their Balance Because A Double Minded Man Is Unstable In All His Ways Beloved
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone beloved. Usually I do not post and publish on my day of rest but I have 2 be obedient becuz somebody really needs this. I was having a conversation with God while making scrambled eggs and hashbrowns for my kids becuz Holy Spirit usually wakes me up at 4th watch 4-5AM anyway 2 talk, 2 pray in the spirit cancel things and just talk 2 him. So I'm the mom who loves 2 be up first even on wknds making my kids a yummy hot breakfast. And while I was scrambling eggs, me and God, my daddy were having a conversation and I was talking 2 him about how I love eggs and apple juices and just juices even though I dont always think 2 buy it. Another fave is fluffy pancakes or waffles with strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast. And how we have 2 have balance in our diet. It's ok 2 have treats here and then but also eat more nutrious. And we were going back n forth having a conversation and then I heard balance in the spirit and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit someone was on a tight rope wobbly trying 2 balance but I wasn't sure where Holy Spirit was going with this cuz we were talking about eggs lol and breakfast. So I waited a bit for confirmation after I saw the tightrope in the spirit and then I heard in the spirit the person on the tightrope was losing their balance because they were going 2 far 2 the right or 2 the left because a double minded man is unstable in all his ways beloved.[James1:8] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Many ppl start out with God but then the next day or month they are living in sin because they are unstable like someone walking on a tight rope trying 2 keep their balance. Speak Holy Spirit because they lean 2 far 2 the right and become religious and then they lean 2 far 2 the left and they aren't consistent. God is saying 2 balance you gotta have the mind of Christ and be born again.[John3:3] Speak Holy Spirit because when you're born again your whole spiritual being is new because old things passed away and behold all things become new beloved because you become a new creation[2Cor5:17] and because you become a new creation you now have your daddy's mind, heart and spirit 2 live Holy like him and you have balance because God is within. because you cannot fall when he is within[Psalm46:5] and lose your balance. My God because God has given you a new a spirit that aligns with his and heart of flesh. Christ centered is how you balance on a tightrope beloved my God speak Holy Spirit because he becomes the solid foundation and that person is like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither whatever they do prospers beloved.[Psalm1:3] Mm but 2 not be double minded and out of balance then you need 2 surrender your thinking & commit your ways 2 him and cast down every imagination that exalts itself and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ demolishing arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God beloved.[2Cor10:5] Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do and like walking wobbly on a rightrope there is no balance because when pride cometh then cometh shame but with the lowly is wisdom.[Proverb11:2] because a man's pride shall bring him low but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. But what happens is we are 2 focused leaning 2 far 2 the right or 2 far 2 the left leaning on our own understanding instead of his Whoo!! [Proverb3:5-6]That's when we fall off the tightrope cuz we lose our balance from it. My God speak Holy Spirit. Though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again[Proverb24:16] dont know who this is for baby but there's gotta be a balance in everything you do in your walk with him because a double minded man is unstable in all their ways beloved and you will only fall walking along a tightrope if Christ isn't the center focus because you'll lean 2 the right & 2 far 2 the left leaning on your own understanding causing you 2 stumble and fall from losing your balance. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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