Prophetic Word: Beloved Throw Out Your Nets, Go Beyond The Reef & Catch More Fish, Push Through The Spiritual Warfare Currents & Be Fearless

Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I heard there's more fish in the spirit and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit when Moana is getting out of her comfort zone and leaving the island going onto the ocean, she is determined because she knows beyond the reef there is more fish but she underestimated the waves with the gusting winds and lost her paddle & her raft took her below the surface saving her pet and the boat hit her head and pushed her right under the surface & she got stuck in the coral and rocks from the current and Moana got injured with cuts & bruises on her feet because of it. When she comes back 2 the surface, the spirit of fear delays her from wanting 2 go back on the water again. And then I heard in the spirit I have not given you a spirit of fear beloved[2Tim1:7] do not let fear stop you through the spiritual warfare currents[Eph6:11-12] I am within  and you will not drown or fall or fail beloved. [Psalm46:5] Thanku Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Deep down mm deep down you know beyond the reef there is more fish. You just know in your spirit this is not all there is. My God speak Holy Spirit. Beyond the reef, there is life more abundant and plans 2 prosper you a hope and a future 2 give u an expected end[Jer29:11] but somewhere in your boat you got hit hard by a current trying 2 keep you under the surface and you're letting fear control you from getting back on the water again. [John10:10] When Peter was fishing, they didn't catch anything all night until Jesus told them 2 throw out their nets a different direction mm & they caught so many fish they didn't even know what 2 do with. My God speak Holy Spirit. [Luke5:4-7] They were surprised there were fish yet alone how many fish breaking their nets. I feel this prophetically for someone under the annointing under sound of my voice reading this. I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus, God is getting ready 2 surprise you this season if you just obey him, throw out your nets seek him and you will catch so many blessings so many fish. Mm When a current tries 2 strike you again, do not let fear stop you from getting out on the water again. [2Tim1:7] Speak Holy Spirit The spiritual warfare waves and currents are not there 2 drown you but it will make you tougher in the spirit and resilient because you can do all things through Christ which strengthenth you beloved.[Phill4:13] And he chose you because he knew you could handle it. My God speak Holy Spirit because he knew you before the foundation of the world before u were even created before you were formed in the womb beloved. Whoo!! Becuz you were made in his image & likeness. Whoever this word is for beloved do not let the current of the heartbreak, the seperation the sickness come on somebody the poverty limitation, the depression the currents the devil sends because what satan means for evil, God will use it for your good & get all the glory from it because God will work all things out for your good who love him who are called according 2 his purpose.[Romans8:28] When the current pushes you under the surface, push the enemy back with your authority [Luke10:19] because you cannot drown mm you cannot fail or fall when he is within. My God there are some ppl here reading this who have been hit by a lifechanging storm and current. Mm many emotional and spiritual cuts and bruises I see in the spirit and you've been scarred from this, Your eyes have been opened but theres pain of regret. But you're never 2 far gone or 2 deep below the surface & the Lord is saying 2 u beloved push through the spiritual warfare currents and get back on the boat[Eoh6:11-12] swim above the surface becuz I will not let you drown through all this or fall because I am within and beyond the reef there is more fish, there is life more abundant.[John10:10] the demonized man legion was cutting himself with rocks & thought it was over for him thats a word for someone but Jesus delivered and rescued him. Whoo!![Mark5:9-11] Whoever this word is for beloved I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that you're gonna catch all God's blessings & more fish & you will have a new beginning and live life more abundant because you're obedient and God has not given you a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind beloved. The devil sent the storm and currents of havoc 2 prevent u from going beyond the reef where there's more fish. My God speak Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is for baby but don't let the storms of turbulence and spiritual warfare current that pulls you below the surface keep you stuck in fear from the impact of it, pray and praise your way through the current and get back up again becuz you will not drown or fall or fail because God is within and you will be fearless and go beyond the reef and catch more fish. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 




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