Prophetic Word: Beloved An Unequally Yoked Relationship Is A Counterfeit, One Walks In Flesh The Other Walks In The Spirit
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I'm hearing someone in the spirit asking what is an unequally yoked relationship. So it must be the last word I posted that someone saw about demolition before my flight seeing in the spirit cracks in the foundation. Just now I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit oxen being yoked in a field joined at the heads. And then I heard in the spirit avoid unequally yoked relationships [2Cor6:14] if it's not sent from me, it's a counterfeit[John10:10] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. An unequally yoked relationship is 2 ppl who come together & spiritually they are complete opposites. One walks in the spirit .The other walks in the flesh. One loves the things of the world and lives in sin. The other has a relationship with the Holy Spirit and pursues holiness and righteousness. One walks in light the other walks in darkness. One has worldy ambitions doing their free will and purpose and the other is following Jesus and doing God's will seeking His plan and purpose.[Jer29:11] Avoid ppl with a form of godliness, family, friends any relationship.[2Cor6:14] God will set you apart and pull you away from them if they are demonic with unclean spirits. [John15:2] Now yoked means tied together and both are going the same direction. So if you are unequally yoked in a relationship, you will never go anywhere because you are tied 2 them and they are going a different direction becuz u can't change them so then it hinders your walk with Jesus. Speak Holy Spirit. And spiritual things are discerned and 2 the worldy person the gospel and following Jesus is foolishness 2 them because you have 2 be born again 2 receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost 2 even want 2 live for Him[John3:3] instead of pleasing the flesh. Speak Holy Spirit We were created for God and he has good works and assignments[Eph2:10] but if you aren't even in a relationship with him, you won't even know what that is, God will reveal secrets of your destiny and purpose and little pieces each season[Jer33:3] but you gotta first seek him, get born again and then let him prune and cut off the bad fruit that is toxic.[John15:2] If is a Godsent ordained kingdom spouse relationship then you will be equally yoked when God sends it. Eve Is created for Adam but both gotta be ready when they meet becuz in the spirit they are already one flesh.[Gen2:21-2:22] Notice God sends the woman 2 him becuz she's already and always been Adams rib. My God Speak Holy Spirit because she was always his. If its equally yoked a 3 fold cord isnt easily broken in the spirit [Ecc4:12] & both walking and praying in the spirit, together pursuing holiness and righteousness. But if it's a counterfeit there will always be contempt, conflict, arguments, disrespect etc if it's the counterfeit because it is being used by satan as an agent 2 kill steal and destroy you beloved [John10:10] because you are chosen whoo!! & it will never work when its an unequally yoked relationship becuz you think, speak and act completely different than them and bad company corrupts good character beloved[1Cor15:33] speak Holy Spirit. if you wanna know if it's God sent or a counterfeit, examine their fruit is there fruit of the spirit, do they pray and have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Use discernment. God will reveal them and show you someone's spirit. God will also reveal himself if you have a pure heart for blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God beloved.[Matt5:8] I don't know who this is for baby but do not get involved with any counterfeit that the devil tries 2 send, it is only sent 2 distract you from God's purpose and your destination. It is sent 2 steal kill destroy and even delay promises. Always avoid ppl with a form of godliness and unequal relationships. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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