Prophetic Word: Cracks In The Foundation Because All Other Ground Is Sinking Sand Beloved Like Demolition
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I heard cracks in the foundation in the spirit and then actually heard this cracking split sound of ice in the realm after hearing the Lord say it. And then I started 2 see the ice cracking in the spirit and then I went into a vision and saw 2 things in in the realm of the spirit. A scene of Tom and Jerry flashed seeing the house demolished leaving Tom and Jerry homeless. And then I saw in the spirit an old restaurant in a town being demolished and a new building being built again in the spirit and it was being used for a different purpose. And then I heard in the spirit. All other ground is sinking sand beloved, If I didn't build it then there is no foundation. [Matthew7:24-27] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Foundation cracks if left untreated become bigger and bigger til its delt with the or building is demolished. If there is no foundation, a demolition makes more sense than trying 2 build it up again because when there are cracks in the foundation, it leads 2 other problems. My God speak Holy Spirit [John10:10] and there wouldn't even be cracks in the foundation if it was God who blessed it and built it. Mm I'm gonna ruffle some feathers by saying this but as God's prophet I love you enough 2 tell you the truth 2 gain wisdom from it. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. If you are unequally yoked in any relationship, then you're better off breaking up, divorce or go seperation & pray for God's will beloved because God didn't bless it and build it, you did with your freewill and there is no foundation[2Cor6:14] and its only a matter of time til demoliton or the cracks in the foudation fall apart from it. It crumbles because there is no foundation. Speak Holy Spirit because being unequally yoked in a relationship is like building your house on sinking sand, and it will only wash away when the storms come 2 test the foundation my God speak Holy Spirit because if God is not in it, there's nothing holding it. Whoo!! [Colossions1:17] The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash beloved.[Matthew7:27] if there are foundation cracks there is no strong foundation 2 begin with but if you do not deal with even small cracks in the foundation it gets worse and it is compromising the structural integrity which can actually be fatal and dangerous because the building could crumble at any moment because of the inevitable cracks & damage in the foundation because God didn't build it. My God speak Holy Spirit because it has been unequally yoked compromised built on sand in foolishness instead of built on the rock in wisdom. Mm I don't know who this is for baby but if it's not of God, then you're unequally yoked & then there is no foundation and if there is no proper foundation, then cracks will form and it will crumble like demolition. Shalom my luvvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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