Prophetic Word: Lean Not On Your Own Understanding Beloved, I Will Make A Way Out Of Impossible Situations
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was hearing it's time 2 let go everything is going to be alright in the spirit and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit marlin and dory inside a whale fish. And they were holding onto his tongue with their fins hanging on by a thread but then decide 2 let go trusting their intuition. It looked bad and hopeless thinking they were about 2 get swallowed and digested dead but then out of nowhere the the whale spits them out instead. And then I heard in the spirit even when it looks impossible and hopeless, I will make a way when there seems 2 be no way in the streams of wasteland and in the wilderness[Isaiah43:19] let go and lean not on your own understanding beloved. [Proverb3:5-6] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Even when we have freewill and get into situations, by God's grace he will make a way out of it because God is faithful and what the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good and flip the script. Speak Holy Spirit. Marlin and Dory didn't expect 2 get swallowed by a fish because they weren't paying attention but Jonah had freewill and he was running from his assignment and being disobedient and sometimes God will allow things 2 happen 2 us not only 2 gain wisdom from it, the experience but 2 put us back on the right path going the right direction again. Speak Holy Spirit. God allowed Jonah 2 get swallowed for 3 days by a great whale fish [Jonah1:17] but after Jonah prayed inside the whale and repented and asked for God 2 forgive him. God allowed that fish 2 spit Jonah out of him and he got out of an impossible situation my God speak Holy Spirit because God makes a way in the wasteland and wilderness even when it looks impossible 2 man and hopeless. Mm because those who repent, and love him, God will turn it around because you are called according 2 his purpose.[Romans8:28] because God is faithful and no weapon formed against you shall prosper beloved. [Isaiah54:17] Dory and Marlin let go when it looked hopeless. Whoever this word is for my luuvs trust God and lean not on your own understanding beloved. [Proverb3:5-6] Let go of some ppl that are holding you back from being at peace again. Let go of some ppl that are not meant 2 be with you where God is taking you nexted. Speak Holy Spirit Let go of all the pain inside and give it 2 him. Mm let go of all the bitterness. Let go of all the anger for getting swallowed by a fish for your disobedience so your arms are empty 2 catch the blessings again. Whoo!! I prophesy over you in name of Jesus that God will make a way out of all impossible situations if you have faith in Him. [Matthew19:26] And he will make a way in the streams of wasteland and wilderness and do a new thing beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but God will make a way when there seems 2 be no way even like Jonah swallowed by a fish, but you gotta learn your lesson of disobedience and lean not on your own understanding and trust him even in impossible situations. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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