Prophetic Word: Strait Is The Gate & Narrow Is The Way Beloved, And Only A Few Will Find It

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was hearing in the spirit It's a tight squeeze and I was just like ok what am I hearing in the spirit and Lord where are we going with this and waiting for confirmation. But then I started hearing the song should I choose the smoothest course from Pochahontas just around the river bend. And on the plane on my flight I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit Pochahontas is pondering contemplating what is next and which channel on the water 2 take as she is in her canoe at the entrance after going down a waterfall and through the river rapids and this is before she meets John Smith. And I just kept hearing this sentence should I choose the smoothest course and then I heard in the spirit strait is the gate and narrow the way beloved but only few there be that find it.[Matthew7:13-14] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Choosing the right channel or path will not be the smoothest course when you give your life 2 Jesus. And a few only find it because there's a cost beloved & you have 2 sacrifice things and give up alot and crushed for the oil, the gifts, the annointing[Eph2:10] 2 do his will and fulfill his purpose.[Jeremiah29:11] this is why many are called and few are chosen because only a few will find it. My God speak Holy Spirit because narrow is the way and its a tight squeeze 2 pull through it. Mm because you will be tested, tried through the fire and face spiritual warfare when you decide 2 serve him speak Holy Spirit because when you're a child of God, you by default become a threat 2 the kingdom of darkness. Because our battle isn't with humans flesh and blood but we fight the unseen principalities and evil spirits, warlocks witches demons in the spirit because we are spirtual beings and demons manifest in humans so we fight them not the person but need w learn how 2 use our sword of the spirit mm And this is why our weapons are not carnal beloved[Eph6:11-13] Speak Holy Spirit. Do not choose the smoothest course and live your life comfortable in sin apathetic because there is a way that appears right and seemeth right 2 man but in the end it leads 2 death. But God is calling you 2 be the first 2 build the ark beloved, mm shift the dynamic, break generational curses because it's a tight squeeze and waging war in the spirit and no other generations could do it until you stepped up and said you won't choose the smoothest course and you will go the narrow way and find it. Death and destruction are never satisfied and neither are human eyes beloved[Prov27:20] The narrow one is what Pochahontas chooses but she also meets John Smith and and the first one in her tribe 2 stop racism my God speak Holy Spirit because we can make our plans but the Lord determines our steps [Proverb16:9] and the road ahead was not an easy one but she decided it was going 2 be her who would get out of her comfort zone and stop it. Because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us beloved. Narrow and straight actually is the word stenos in greek origin and stenosis means narrowing mm and whoever this word is for beloved you're making a decision like Pochahontas should I go that narrow way or this[Matt7:13-14] but I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that you will choose the right path and not the one that will lead to destruction and death[Prov14:12] and you will go through the narrow gate and find it. I dont know who this is for baby but when you go the narrow way and choose Jesus, there's going to be spirtual warfare like you have never seen before for choosing him[1Peter5:8] but that's why there's only a few that will find it because it's a tight squeeze & when it gets hard they just quit but I prophesy that wont be you beloved in the name of Jesus because many are called and few are chosen and only a few will find it. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.



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