Prophetic Word: You Are Not A Worthless Glitch, Remember Who You Are Beloved
Heyyy my luuvs. Ohh were do I begin. I came across all these songs today as confirmation Who you've become and how far you've come and remember who you are song lyrics. Mm This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit turbo tastic turbo attempt and then I went into a vision & saw in the realm of the spirit in wreck it Ralph, Vannelope couldn't remember who she was & identified as a glitch becuz Turbo was taking over the arcade & put his own out of order cuz of it than disguised as King candy in sugar rush becuz he was jealous with the other racing game & abandoned his own which was Vanellope's 2 begin with but he removed the codes, memories & wires wiping out Vanellope's memory in the game files and she couldn't remember that she was a princess becuz she was a glitch and the other subjects could go through the games in game central station but Vanellope couldn't because of it. And then I heard in the spirit you are not a mistake or worthless glitch, remember you who are beloved[1Pet2:9] you are my workmanship, masterpiece & my creation.[Eph2:10] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You have forgotten who you are gorgeous. Because the enemy has gotten inside the code source of your head.[1Pet5:8] & wiped out your memories through the shame & condemnation Whoo!! false accusations & head games of a worthless glitch.Turbo was so jealous he wanted 2 take over game central station kindaaa like lucifer wanted 2 take over heaven. My God speak Holy Spirit and he deceived 1/3 of the angels & they went with him kindaaa like turbo deceived Vanellope & all the game subjects & made her think the princess no longer exist cuz she couldn't remember who she was becuz she was a glitch.[John10:10] I'm seeing someone with brown hair & darker skin in the spirit. Baby baby baby you've been messed with. The devil lives rent free in your head, give him a Holy Ghost eviction. I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will restore your memory of who you are[Joel2:25] in His eyes who you've always been b4 u were messed with & you will get back in the race yet & win. Mm whoever this word is for hunny you are fighting a war of who you are and who you've been and there is condemnation which we rebuke in the name of Jesus.[Romans8:1] Sonic mentions when u die in your game game over u do not regenerate again. 2 many ppl are waiting 2 get born again, seek him now my luuvs cuz you need 2 be alive 2 get born again 2 live. My God speak Holy Spirit [John3:3] becuz there's no second chance after the final breath. Mm The enemy is so jealous of u having spiritual gifts, they don't want u 2 know who you are beloved & they would rather call you a glitch. Speak Holy Spirit. A glitch could be many things such as minor problem, malfunction, bug, a defect. Whoo!! The devil don't like it that you're a real king/queen prince/princess in God's kingdom. You're ruling with him. Mm Turbo don't like it that you're the princess of game central station my God speak Holy Spirit because Turbo would actually have 2 humble himself admit deception & give Vanellope back her rightful title & position. Whoo!! [Daniel2:21] Because you are a winner Vanellope & Turbo cannot stop it. He will try 2 erase your memory of who u are so u forget[Isaiah54:17] but Vanellope is still the greatest racer in game central station because of who is within.[1John4:4] I don't know who this is for baby but Turbo is only Jealous of Vanellope's title & position & that's why he tries 2 mess with your head with deception 2 take over game central station but keep running the race & eyes on the prize til you win & do not forget who you are in your daddy's eyes and in God's kingdom. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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