Prophetic Word: The Accident Divided The Marrow & Bones Asunder Beloved, But My Word Is Health 2 Your Bones & Living & Active 2 Put Them Back In Kingdom Order Again

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I saw someone in the spirit at a hospital getting x-rays done and the xray is showing that this person has broken bones from an accident. And the marrow and the joints were disconnected. And the person in the spirit was in alot of pain and in critical condition. And then the Lord showed me a car accident in the spirit. And then I came out of the realm and heard in the spirit The car accident divided the marrow and the joints asunder beloved but my Word is health 2 your bones [Prov3:7-8] and living and active 2 connect them in kingdom order again even when you're in critical condition.[Hebrews4:12] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. God's word is not just a story book about a bunch of fairytales and characters that are fiction. These were real ppl that were recorded in God's word 2 remind us of the power of God when we have faith and he dwells within.[1John4:4] 2 be transformed by the renewing of our mind beloved and increase our faith and become a new creation.[2Cor5:17] If a mustard seed of faith moves a mountain[Matthew17:20] and there is power in the tongue of life and death[Prov18:21] that will reap good or bad consequences and the Word is alive and active, then when we speak 2 our situation and stand on His Word in faith, he must perform it. My God speak Holy Spirit because his word you speak over your life will never return back to him void and empty and nothing happens.[Isaiah55:11] Satan knows more then you do that God watches over his word 2 perform it and he does what he promises even when there's doubt in the flesh.[Numbers23:19] this is why he attacks the mind when you're weakest. Speak Holy Spirit and because it's alive and active, it will put your very body mind, heart, soul back together again if you have faith 2 recieve it, it will shift any circumstances or situations when you keep believing it. Speak Holy Spirit because if you ask anything in his name according 2 his will he will do it.[John14:14] And good health is your portion when you're in Abraham covenant. Mm. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. Your joints hold your bones together like doors 2 hinges so if you don't have healthy joints your bones can break easier because of it My God help me Holy Spirit because his word is like hinges holding you together and if you're falling apart & there's no hinges catch this in your spirit.[John10:10] your entire anatomy even changes you glow within its alive and active. Mm Marrow in your bones as a weak foundation then the enemy attacks again and you're weaker becuz you're not walking in your power of exousia and dunamis. My God Speak Holy Spirit because Man shall not eat bread alone its like a vitamin nutrition and nutrious meal 2 your body beloved.[Matthew4:4] Because the Word of God is like health 2 your bones and its why we are peculiar ppl 2 them [1Pet2:9] as a seer prophet ill be shopping in grocery stores and furniture stores praying in the spirit, don't care who stares & listens mhm baby we are strange in the eyes of the world walking among them becuz we are not of this world beloved. Whoo!! [John17:16] Looking like a fool 2 the world because 2 them the gospel is foolishness. But staying in the spirit and applying His word 2 every situation, will connect the marrow and the bones again mm and give you disapline over things of the flesh. It will become easier 2 walk in the spirit because you have God's wisdom, dominion over sin and respond 2 every scenario in life by your spirit. My God speak Holy spirit because when you are full with the word of God, you're no longer hungry for things of this world or it upsets your stomach you no longer crave things of the world for your flesh. It's settling for microwave dinners than a real steak or perogies and farmer sausage. Whoo!! you don't respond 2 life in your flesh, because with your daddy you are one Spirit. Speak Holy Spirit Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom but instead fear the Lord and turn away from evil beloved & then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones and nourishment.[Prov3:7-8] I don't know who this is for baby but if the windows and doors are falling apart and the bones, marrow and joints are disconnected, the door and windows are not connected 2 the hinges because He is the vine and we are the branches. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.



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