Prophetic Word: Beloved Be Vigilant Cracks, Holes, & Crabs In A Bucket, Be Not Ignorant Of Satan Seeking Whom He May Devour With These Devices
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I heard the word depletion in the spirit waited for confirmation and then I saw in the spirit crabs in a bucket on sandy beaches and beside it was another pail but this bucket had a crack in it and I saw a really cute child maybe 3-4ish in the spirit that kept trying 2 fill it with water but couldn't figure out why it kept draining and there was no water in it and then I heard in the spirit be sober and vigilant for satan is roaring like a lion seeking whom he may devour beloved.[1Peter5:8] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You are depleted & you're tired lately and even in your physical body a battle the enemy is poking holes in your pail and depleting you with it. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. God keeps filling you[Isaiah40:31] that living water and then the enemy drains you because you arent checking for holes in the bucket and being vigilant because while you keep filling your bucket with the living water in the Lord's presence, satan is poking holes in your bucket & you cant figure out why your pail is always empty because you dont notice it. My God speak Holy Spirit this is how sneaky he is. I'm seeing a sink being drained in someone's kitchen in the spirit mm because the crabs in the bucket represent Satan using ppl [aka agents unclean spirits] 2 cause depletion. 2 the drain the life out of you beloved because God is changing the times and seasons[Daniel2:21] and the enemy is threatened so he is trying 2 deplete you distract you from getting your breakthrough because as the body without the spirit is dead, faith without works is dead.[James2:26] You're having a hard time staying awake yet alone pray and believe it for it. Mm because it's a spirit of fatigue attacking your body that I just rebuke and bind in the Name of Jesus and command it 2 leave and never come back again. The enemy will use whatever he can around you 2 keep you stagnated and depleted before you reach your purpose because God is getting ready 2 open doors no man can shut beloved.[Rev3:8] The crabs in the bucket are ppl the enemy uses as agents 2 stop you if I can't have it then neither can you mindset because his mission is 2 steal kill and destroy and its always been. Hes trying 2 discourage you downplaying your achievements.[John10:10] There's no new bag of tricks beloved. But those same ppl that try 2 come against you actually come against your assignment, and God which is dangerous becuz God don't play about his kids.[1Chron16:22] and I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will anoint your head with fresh oil and fill your cup again, mount you up with wings as eagles as you wait on God, submit 2 Him & resist the devil and he will flee beloved. I'm hearing depletion again in the spirit. Depletion translates 2 kenosis & in greek origin it means 2 empty out; emptiness. My God speak Holy Spirit. I don't know who this for baby but check your bucket 4 crabs & remove them & check for holes and cracks and be vigilant & be not ignorant of satan's devices[2Cor2:11] because if there's crabs in your bucket or holes & cracks, it will drain the life out of you causing depletion. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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