Prophetic Word: Beloved Don't Be Ignorant Of Satan's Devices, He Uses Mind Controlling Spirits
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I dont know who this word is for beloved but I'm seeing in the spirit an octopus on top of someone's head and one of the tentacles is covering the mouth of this person and trying 2 suffocate them. Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. The enemy is trying 2 silence you with their lies and deception and these are marine mind control spirits and you feel suffocated. You cannot see them but they are in the spiritual realm and these spirits try 2 dominate your mind if you let them. They try 2 get other ppl or yourself 2 speak word curses. They tell you lies like you are worthless. They often would put horrible thoughts and decisions in your head 2 get you self destruct beloved. Insanity and fantasy and this is why we cast down every imagination that exalts itself and bring it captive 2 Christ out of obedience. And rebuke those wicked thoughts in the name of Jesus. The devil knows more than anything else that our mind is a powerful weapon 4 control and that is why he goes after the mind beloved because if you're in your flesh the wages of sin is death, it reaps corruption and the enemy knows it. This is why we are vigilant what we feed our minds beloved because if you eat junk food all the time your stomach will get upset so does your mind when you never fill up with the Word of God beloved. If you never get into the Lord's presence, you will crave things in the flesh because in His presence is fullness of joy and you're feeding your spirit. I'm seeing in the spirit the tightrope again. We need a balance. We dont eat cake for breakfast. We dont eat daily bread just on special occasions. Paul says we die daily beloved so our spirit lives. Mm We need our armor on fully dressed & we need Jesus everyday, submit 2 God resist the devil and he will flee beloved. I'm seeing in the spirit agent Cody banks and the girl they notice a tooth chip implanted in these ppl and they control them like a robot with with a remote control my God speak Holy Spirit like mind control 2 control them like mind control spirits. For as he thinks in his heart, so is he and that's why mind controlling spirits come in because it's the enemy's favorite target. Deliverance from mind control releases a person from mental pressure, mental pain, instability, confusion, and mental torment. Mind controlling spirits resemble these creatures in the spiritual realm and also have tentacles for feeling and grasping like octopus and squid. In spiritual warfare these tentacles need to be severed from the minds of those affected. Headaches and migraines can also be the cause for rituals, spells and marine mind control spirits. Everything is spiritual beloved. Gotta Headache?? Got a sore leg?? Got problems with relationships?? got depression?? Got problems with the car?? Maybe it's bad dreams?? Maybe it's the flu or health problems, Whatever it is my luuvs everything is spiritual beloved. They are spirits. That's a word for someone cuz I wasn't gonna say it. And ppl are ignorant of spiritual warfare and the spirit world ignorant of satans devices because the realm isn't taught and the enemy uses it 2 his advantages and God's ppl perish are destroyed for lack of knowlege because of it. When someone says I'm spiritual test the spirit cuz so are demons. Im seeing mind control spirits in the spiritual realm with tenticles like windshield wipers on someone's head. Whoever this word is for I sever & bind those controlling spirits in the name of Jesus and cast them into the abyss because whom the son sets free is free indeed beloved and I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will lead you into all truth & is removing the blinders off and transforming you by the renewing of your mind beloved. Get in God's word everyday you can so His Word stays in your mind hunny and not mind control spirits entering in. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
2Cor4:4 | Matthew4:4 | 2Cor10:4-5 | John 16:13 | Eph6:11-13 | Romans8:37 | Proverb18:21 | Galations6:8 James4:7 | Proverb23:7
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