Prophetic Word: Beloved Dry Seasons Are Coming 2 An End, It Will Rain Blessings Of Abundance

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but I'm seeing in the spirit year after year dry seasons and drought and just nothing growing but dead. but that ends today in the name of Jesus. Just a very dry season I declare over you is the end and it shall rain blessings of abundance. Whatever root the enemy thought he planted, I curse it at the root baby and uproot it in the name of Jesus. And I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that the season of warfare must come 2 an end. You will see a break from it, a breakthrough and get back on your feet again. I'm seeing branches and flowers blooming again in the spirit. Mm because you're staying connected 2 the vine beloved. And I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that if you'll stay connected 2 the vine you will flourish and be prosperous and your leaves will never wither again and you will never have any more dry seasons. Recieve this in the name of Jesus and buckle up baby because now your season will change and shift for God is not a man that he should lie beloved. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

John15:2 | Isaiah43:19 | Daniel2:21 | Luke4:13 | Exodus14:14 | Psalm1:1-3 | Romans8:37 | John10:10 | Jeremiah29:11


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