Prophetic Word: Beloved I Heard Your SOS Underneath Your Breath, I Am Coming 2 Get You & Rescue You Yet

Heyyy my luuvs. I dont know who this word is for beloved but someone needs this. I saw a rope and red and white nautical life saver on the surface,  in a swimming pool and an undertow days ago in the spirit but It wasnt the right time 2 release it becuz I knew my daddy had more details yet and I was waiting for more confirmation I just knew in my spirit and then I started to see baby dory get lost from the undertow across the ocean in the spirit and then a few days later I saw songs on YouTube some old and new I posted and then I saw the song I will rescue you and that was another confirmation and And I broke down crying as it hit my spirit. Someone has been crying out 2 the Lord 2 help them. I'm hearing someone scream faded help help in the spirit. I hear you whisper underneath your breath, I hear your SOS your SOS is the lyrics. and now I'm seeing Madagascar HELP spelled out on the beaches and Castaway plane crashing on an island in the spirit. And then I heard in the spirit You will not drown below the waters surface, I will be with you in deep waters beloved. [Isaiah43:2] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Whoever this word is for beloved. The Lord heard your cry and he's coming 2 get you yet, I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus he will turn your mourning into dancing when he rescues you out of that hopeless situation and sending out an army 2 find you on that lost island, leaving the 99 to come get the 1, you beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. Some of you here have gone through so much turbulence for years like a plane crashed and you're stranded on an island. And you're still processing what happened. Mm Charles aka Chuck was the only survivor on the plane working for FedEx and what kept him going was a picture he had of the woman he was in love with. Some of you here feel alone & desire 2 re-unite and see someone you love again. Theres been so much spiritual warfare you just want a break from it. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Im seeing in the spirit kitties and puppies are being rescued and taken care of at a shelter and restored again. I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus. Rescue is coming and so is restoration 2 heal from the traumatic undertow thats been pulling you under baby below the surface and He will carry you & sustain you from almost drowning in the turbulence and joy is coming in the morning beloved. I'm hearing in the spiritual realm have courage. Whatever you're going through trust him because God heard your SOS beloved so start praising him in advance and thanking him because everything happens first in the spirit. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Prov3:5-6 | Matthew18:12 | Joel2:25 | Psalm30:5 | Isaiah43:2 | Isaiah43:18-19 | Isaiah46:4 | Psalm30:11 




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