Prophetic Word: Beloved Loose Screws Make The Cat Tower Unstable & Imbalanced & You Won't Be Able 2 Drive Or Get Out Of A Kayak Easily If There Is Loose Ends With Impaired Blurred Vision & Unstable Mindset
Heyyy my luuvs. I wasnt going 2 release this word yet becuz it was both of my boys birthdays & having a little party movie all night in isolation lol cuz we in this world but we're not of it walking among them but I gotta be obedient. Holy Spirit is nudging me and hes showing me my icon & envelope emoji in the spirit which means post so someone must need this. Anyways my cat Cuddles his tree tower one of the screws was loose and It was quite wobbly and unstable til it was tightened again and then I saw someone in the spirit kayaking and at a dock trying 2 get out of it. But it was very wobbly because there wasn't stability with their balance. And then I heard stability in the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. When you're double minded you will be unstable because there is no balance. You can't focus or function. Im seeing double vision in the spirit and its blurryish mm no balance double vision walking is confusion. And im seeing a drunk driver impaired driving and blurred vision in the spirit. This person is impaired and can't make good decisions. Some of you were in like a blur almost last season and impaired spiritually just liivng in confusion. And now God is cleaning you up & transforming you by the renewing of your mind but you still gotta be willing and obedient & put the work in. Speak Holy Spirit because faith comes by hearing & hearing the word of God beloved and this is why we need 2 be so careful what we drink mm & feed our mind with my God speak Holy Spirit our spirit man and balance is affected by it. This is why we fast a couple days a week beloved because our flesh is at war with our spirit. I'm guessing sugar rush and cake and chocolate on a daily basis will become like loose screws and loose ends, in our head lol making the cat tower wobbly and hardly able 2 get out of a kayak with no balance. You will never stand baby if you have no balance and you need Jesus within and if God is within you cannot fall out of the kayak beloved. My God speak Holy Spirit because you are Christ centered and balanced standing hidden in him. Mm. I'm hearing corruption in the spirit. Some of you here baby you gotta be vigilant and careful who you hang with and let in your presence. Wicked ppl are unequally yoked stay away from them. I'm seeing a ceramic bowl of fruit on an island in the spirit & rotten fruit next to good fruit contaminating the rest of them. Mm some of you here were good til you hung out with ppl who were toxic or associate with family members with bitterness and they corrupted your good character and made you bitter at some point and toxic. But you're healing now and going through a transformation and I just prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will continue 2 transform your mind renewed again and scatter your enemies & finish in you what he started and you will not be double minded not on my watch in the name of Jesus. If you're getting wobbly and unstable like my cat tower was again, or trying 2 get out of your canoe or kayak on the water beloved get into the Word and you won't be unstable & double minded. Rebuke your flesh because when you sow 2 your flesh it reaps corruption. Hunny you got this. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
James1:8 | 1Cor15:33 | Romans12:2 | Phill1:6 | 2Cor6:14 | Psalm46:5 | Romans10:17 | Galations6:8,7
Oct31-Nov1 /23
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