Prophetic Word: Beloved You Are The Light Of The World & Luminous, You Have Healing Power By My Spirit That Dwells Within & Divine Protection

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I heard the word luminous in the spirit and this isn't a word I use often. And on the plane on my flight, I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit Rapunzel singing and how her hair would glow in the darkness. It had healing power and it was just so luminous and vibrant. And then I heard in the spirit you are the light of the world beloved [Matthew5:14-16] and you have healing power and gifts by my spirit that dwells within. [1John4:4] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You are not ordinary and you have power some ppl wish they possessed. This is why they wanted Rapunzels hair because it was valuable to them.[John10:10] Speak Holy Spirit. Because God trusted you with it beloved because when you're faithful with the little things and gifts, God gives you more because you can handle it and he can trust you with it. Because 2 whom much is given, much is required beloved.[Luke12:48] Speak Holy Spirit. When you have a healing gift because of the spirit that dwells within, protect it. Ppls pain, wounds, injuries and heart getting healed beloved is God revealing his power for everyone 2 see it because then God gets all the glory from it and its leading ppl 2 your daddy Jesus into the kingdom.[John3:3] You are not ordinary because many are called and few are chosen.[Mattew22:14] You are luminous. You are in this world but not of this world beloved. Speak Holy Spirit  [John17:16] this is why you're peculiar 2 them. I'm hearing peculiar in the spirit. Peculiar in greek origin means strange, possession, extraordinary and protected. My God speak Holy Spirit because as a chosen one, angels are keeping guard over you as their assignment in the natural world, protection, protecting you from the unclean spirits in the realm and world of demons.[Psalm91:11] Mm If a person owns something valuable or precious, they will treat it differently than the stuff that does not have so high a value beloved. They will put it in a place where it cannot be stolen or damaged. Speak Holy Spirit. Rapunzels hair was valuable and precious. I'm hearing her say 2 Eugene in the spirit a gift like that it needs 2 be protected. Because the enemy will try 2 steal it or damage it.[1Peter5:8] Peculiar ppl for a possession speak Holy Spirit because God's ppl are God's possession set apart in this world for his special purpose and assignments.[Ephesians2:10] For we are bought with a price beloved therefore we glorify God in our body, and in our spirit, which are God's 2 begin with [1Cor6:20] light drives out darkness so do not be surprised when darkness is attracted 2 the light and annointing beloved because it's authentic & they see Jesus living within.[1John1:5] and whoever this word is for keep using your healing gifts, speak life over them, and encourage them[Isaiah60:1] and I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus, Arise shine for your light has come that the glory of the Lord is shining upon you beloved and you are preserved and protected. I don't know who this is for baby but protect your spiritual gifts because God trusted you with it and like rapunzels glowing hair, you are  luminous and there is healing power and value in it because you are the light of the world and possess power they wish they had by the spirit that dwells within. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.



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