Prophetic Word: Christmas Is Coming Early Beloved, Rewards Are Coming & Breakthrough Surprises
Heyyy my luuvs. A quick word for someone who needs this encouragement. And I have other words but I may post them 2mrw not sure yet becuz I wanna take my time & enjoy pinning all day becuz Holy Spirit knows there piling up again and I love pinning Diys for lights and Christmas. I'm aware when I pin alot the prophetic words are further down the board but just know there always there my luuvs if you need it in season 4 u 2 read again & highly annointed. Because the annointing will adjust itself just 4 you beloved. Anyways I have been just dancing and in the mood for some jolly upbeat Christmas music so ill post those 2 yet and then I started 2 see Christmas gifts wrapped up all pretty with red and gold ribbon in the spirit. So I don't know who this word is for beloved. But I heard Christmas is coming early in the spirit. Some of you have been following the seer prophet's instruction when I prophesied big rewards are coming for diligently seeking Jesus and being obedient. Well rewards are coming beloved. Thankyou Holy Spirit I'm hearing in the spirit breakthrough surprises. I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus whose been standing on faith waiting 2 recieve it you shall see it if you don't quit believing 4 it!! For God is not a man that he should lie and his word does not return 2 him void beloved. You will reap a harvest. I'm seeing gifts and hearing laughter in the spirit. Again I'm seeing reconciliation spelled out in the spirit and I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will perfect all that which concerns you beloved and breakthroughs are coming before christmas and even before the year ends and God will crown the year with goodness and abundance. Recieve this in the name of Jesus. I'm also hearing in the spirit beloved if you who is evil know how 2 give good gifts 2 your children how much more will your father in heaven who ask him. Mm. I don't know who this is for baby but there is a different portion for those who are hungry reading his word, in prayer talking 2 him and praising him and really pursuing daddy Jesus and wanna learn more about him because if you mean business with him, he'll mean business with you beloved because God is no respector of persons and he will bring surprises and will give you gifts because he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Hebrews11:1 | Hebrews11:6 | Numbers23:19 | Isaiah55:11 | Isaiah43:19 | Galations6:7,8,9] Daniel2:21 | Psalm65:11 | Matthew7:11
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