Prophetic Word: The Good Tree Was Dying & Damaged Beloved Because The Tree Was Exposed 2 Toxins & Poison

 Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but I saw someone in the spirit accidentally spray some weed killer on a tree that was close 2 the weeds that were being sprayed beside it. And the other tree was fine beside it. But then I started 2 see this tree that was prosperous suddenly turn bad and the tree was damaged and dying from it while the other tree wasn't exposed 2 the weed killer and still prosperous. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. The good tree was damaged because it was exposed 2 something that was poisonous. Whoever this word is for beloved, a bad tree cannot produce good fruit of the spirit, and this is why you need 2 be vigilant because bad company corrupts good character beloved. Ppl that don't like you are toxic 2 your tree and fruits of the spirit and this is why you take everyone back 2 God and let God show you their spirit because nothing is hidden. If its toxic it will be revealed, 2 protect you from them beloved. God is faithful & he's a protective daddy and will fill you in. The Lord is righteous. I prophesy over you in thr name of Jesus that he will cut you free from the cords of the wicked. When the tree was exposed to the poison, it was no longer the same tree again. It was now damaged. This why we need 2 keep boundaries, and harmless as a dove wise as a serpent discerning of spirits. Bad company corrupts good character because our battle is not against flesh and blood beloved speak Holy Spirit but wrestling with evil spirits therefore if you hang around someone whose always critical and gossiping, chances are it will rub off on you 2 do it because that's what you're feeding off of in the flesh. And the war is against flesh vs spirit this is why God will cut things off that are toxic so the tree can be prosperous taking root and producing good fruit of the spirit. Because when you become born again, everything you do, hear, watch, you see through spiritual eyes through a spiritual lense. It's a relationship with him. You could be watching something or a movie in the evening with the kids and Holy Spirit, or just on a date a movie & supper with just Holy Spirit and see something totally different because you are no longer in the flesh. And for me later that day or next day I'll see and hear something in the realm and see something else in the spirit. 2 further your walk and prophesy as he gives me utterance so you get stronger baby 2 further his kingdom. This is why we need balance & need 2 be born again because a double minded man beloved is unstable in all his ways walking in a religious spirit. My God speak Holy Spirit & This is why we fast regularly 2 be cleansed, 2 further self-control & self disapline, rank and authority increases in the spirit, and see the mysteries, deeper things of God hidden. And God will reveal things 2 you 2 deepen your revelation. This is why we shouldn't be judgemental cuz God looks at the heart & man looks at appearance & that one could be chosen. Mm. The one tree is was fine because it wasn't exposed 2 it but the person I saw in the spirit who accidentally sprayed this, represents when we're exposed to certain ppl who are bitter, hateful and toxic. They will try 2 gaslight u your identity in Christ because the religious spirit is demonic. If they do not have the spirit of God and they hate you beloved, then they have the antichrist spirit and they are not coming against you but they are coming against him. I just heard in the spirit unequally yoked my God speak Holy Spirit because light doesn't fellowship with darkness. Mm and if they are full of hatred then they are unequally yoked beloved. I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus, that he will cut off every branch in you that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he will prune so that it will be even more fruitful beloved. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.

2Cor4:4 | 2Cor6:14 | John15:2 | Eph6:11-12 | 1Cor15:33 | Luke8:17 | Jeremiah17:9 | John3:3 | John10:10 | Jeremiah29:11




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