Prophetic Word: A Jolted Shift Is Coming Beloved As I Realign My Ppl In Position 2 Recieve Their Inheritances & Promises

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was playing a couple of songs on the piano and singing I see the light from tangled & a dream is a wish your heart makes from Cinderella & then something happened and as I was playing them, I was hearing a few things in the spirit. The Cinderella song, when I was playing it, the part where it says your rainbow will come smiling through, I was hearing in the spirit "promise" & seeing a double rainbow in the spirit as I saw in the spirit Cinderella in the attic holding a pillow in her hand looking out the window with her bird and mice friends. And then I was playing I see the light & then the part where I was singing its like the world has shifted. And saw in the spirit Rapunzel & Eugene in the canoe on the water with the sky of floating lanterns singing the duet. And I was seeing another car gear shift in the realm except this one was grey in the spirit. I'm also seeing someone in the spirit driving a quad with a foot gear shift becuz it isn't automatic. I prophesy things are shifting quick, promises are being fulfilled, God's ppl are getting into position in the name of Jesus. I was hearing in the spirit a turn around and jolted shift as I pressed into the Holy Spirit and just sat in his presence. And then I heard in the spirit things are shifting beloved. I am realigning my ppl 2 be in position. I am turning things around & finishing what I started.[Phill1:6] I am shaking the earth and the heavens & blessing my ppl with their inheritances & promises.[Isaiah55:11] I have heard their righteous cry and I am delivering my ppl from all their trouble beloved. [Psalm34:17] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Every promise in the book is rightfully yours when you're in covenant with Jesus & if it means pruning ppl out, relocating you, shifting you and shaking things up 2 recieve it, he will because God is not a man that he should lie & If u ask anything in his name according 2 his will, you will recieve it in the name of Jesus. Staying in a troubling captive situation is not his will beloved and God is bringing deliverance.[Psalm126] Healing, breakthroughs, wealth, deliverance, peace, joy, doors he has for you shall open, those are all just some of the promises, prosperity & even favor as a shield for divine protection.[Psalm84:11] Speak Holy Spirit, God is shifting things becuz the times & seasons are changing beloved.[Daniel2:21] Demotion & Promotions. A mustard seed of faith is moving mountains changing situations becuz he watches over his word 2 perform it. Mm. But you must be in the correct heart posture and position 2 recieve promises & God is shaking things up 2 get u 2 your destination. I'm hearing jolted shifting in the spirit. Jolted means a push, move by, shake [someone or something] abruptly and roughly sudden give a surprise or shock in order 2 make them act or change sudden. My God speak Holy Spirit because a shake causes a change of circumstances & humbles us b4 the Lord when we're wise in our own eyes beloved dying 2 our flesh. I beseech thee do not let unforgiveness block u from your promises. Check your heart posture my luuvs be in position. God is shaking things up that were not of him & had no foundation.[2Cor6:14] Thanku Holy Spirit. Im hearing in the spirit. The double rainbow represents a double portion. Many of u have fallen behind when u were not in his will & not in covenant but blessings are getting caught up again & I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus, the theif must return 7fold back to u 4 everything that was stolen. Some of u are waiting 4 a complete restoration. Speak Holy Spirit. Things are shaking becuz the church of Jesus Christ is in its final hour & God is faithful 2 keep his promises.[Num23:19] I prophesy He will turn things around 4 those of u who love him who are called according 2 his purpose. There it is again I just heard souls harvest in the spirit. He is building his church & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. He needs 2 heal u hunny so u can go 2 the next dimension.[2Cor3:18] When Cinderella was looking out the window, she was hopeless. I'm hearing in the spirit some of u here are going thru hope deferred becuz u hit rock bottom. Mm. But I prophesy over u in the name of Jesus, if u stand faithful & correct position, u will see turn arounds, favor and breakthroughs if you stay in position. Some of u feel like you're going backwards with old wounds coming 2 the surface again but I'm hearing in the spirit if you wanna recieve promises & go from glory 2 glory and dimension 2 dimension you gotta heal first & get rid of those infections.[Luke8:17] No more hinderances. I released a word Oct5/23 about secret infections under the skins surface. God is cleaning up the debris of the last demolion. My God speak Holy Spirit because some you got hit and now there are repercussions of what happened.[John10:10] God is shaking things up so u heal again & God is binding up your wounds after the Infections come 2 the surface and you shall recieve your promise of new beginnings of restoration. [Joel2:25] I prophesy God will be a wall of fire and protect his ppl and with a jolted shift, your rainbow will come smiling through beloved and promises in the name of Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but sometimes God has 2 shake everything up with a jolted shift 2 bust you out of the chains of bondage so you can recieve your healing & promise of restoration so you won't be stuck and stagnant with hidden infections and then you're ready 2 go 2 the next level 2 your destination. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.



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