Prophetic Word: Peter Denied That He Knew Jesus 3 Times Beloved, & There Was Crying, Remoarse & Regret Because He Loved Him
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was hearing a rooster cockadoo in the spirit, and I immediately heard in the spirit Peter before the rooster crows you will deny me 3 times in the spirit. And then I saw in the realm the word spelled out remoarse and I was seeing in the spirit someone talking to another person almost like venting and crying and around the corner there was a man eavesdropping and he heard all this and he felt bad for this person. And the Lord showed me in the spirit how this man knew about what that person was going through and their situation and even the genuine character of this person but actually denied it happened 2 them in front of other ppl that were coming against them. And don't stand up against the lies told about them And then I saw the word spelled out guilt spelled out in the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. There is someone prophetically who is going through a peter denial situation and feels awful for betraying the person. But like Peter, this person's whole life will change because of the situation because they have learned their lesson that they were suppose stand up for them not deny them & be a false witness. Their heart towards you was their test. Forgive this beloved person. They may have tried 2 come against you by siding with them and denied your pain & testimony and triumph & gaslight everything beloved whatever it is but forgive them and I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus you'll be blessed for being persecuted and watch God exalt you for your humility, love and compassion towards them. This may connect to the word I released about apologies confessions face 2 face conversations b4 the year ends for many of you beloved but test the spirit. This should just serve you as confirmation. I'm hearing deny in the spirit it means 2 declare something 2 be untrue and it translates 2 aparneomai in greek origin meaning rejected snd forsaken; 2 refuse 2 admit or acknowledge; intentional disassociate from relationship with a particular person. My God speak Holy Spirit when Peter “denies” Jesus. He denies that he knows Jesus or has any association with him. There are some of you here they acted one way with you alone another with other ppl watching them. But not you, you honestly loved them and wanted what was best for them. Mm & then them acting loving alone but cold in front of them. Mhm I said it. I see it in the spirit. And baby they regret rejecting you & denying what happened. They have actually been having sleepless nights cuz of it and its because there is no rest for the wicked and God will even make your enemies 2 be at peace with you beloved. The demon left them and they know you are chosen and have come 2 their senses 2 not touch God's annointed. And I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus get ready for some love and reconciliation because the guilt remoarse and regret is eating them so much so they want mercy 4 making it right and seeing you again and everything is coming out that was hidden in the darkness. Reconciliation is better beloved. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Isaiah54:17 | Romans8:28, 31 | 1Chron16:22 | Zech2:8 | Matthew26:34 | Luke8:17 | Proverb16:7 | Matthew5:10
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