Prophetic Word: Beloved Be Not Ignorant Of The Devil's Devices & Get Your Armor On & Fully Dressed 4 Protection
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I saw someone in Alaska Ice fishing and dog sledding in the spirit but I wasn't sure why I was seeing this in the spirit so I waited for confirmation and then I saw Mulan training for war with the other soldiers and I was hearing this song let's get down 2 business in the spirit so this is when they were training 4 war & practice. Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. If you lived in Alaska where it's cold and there's snow drifts, you wouldn't have just t shirts snd shorts in your closet. Speak Holy Spirit you would have warmer ski pants, headgear and jackets because you need 2 be dressed appropriate. You wouldn't go on a dog sled if you weren't prepared for it. Mm the same way Mulan wouldn't go 2 war without training first and be ready and passed the test and she wouldn't leave without her heavy armor and helmet my God speak Holy Spirit so why would you walk out the door without your armor on spiritually fully dressed. Mm head it's heavy but you're gonna need it. Going out the door into the world is like going 2 war with no equipment for full protection. Whoo!! Come on Holy Spirit because the battle we fight is not against flesh and blood!! its not against flesh, it's spirits on ppl spirits looking for dry places mm and you need 2 get your full armor on so you walk in the spirit 2 rebuke the flesh because if you walk in the spirit, you can handle any evil spirit that tries 2 rock your day with spiritual warfare chaos. Oh baby catch this in your spirit everything is spiritual and it's either good fruits of the spirit or unclean spirits there is no in-between. This is why we need 2 have the spirit of discernment because satan is using anyone he can beloved roaming 2 and fro seeking whom he can devour looking for weak moments when you aren't armor ready and fully dressed. My God speak Holy Spirit because his mission is 2 steal kill and destroy and he doesn't sleep beloved. He sows tares amongst the wheat when you sleep even this is why we need 2 be vigilant. Get into the Word and use your sword of the spirit. Don't be ignorant of satan's devices. Pray without ceasing because spiritual warfare in the realm is no joke beloved. Whether you go dog sledding and ice fishing or at war beloved, get fully dressed with full equipment and its like a shield of protection. I'm seeing in the spirit someone on a motorbike putting on his black & blue helmet. You wouldn't drive one without a helmet so why would you leave the house without your spiritual equipment. Ppl without helmets & equipment have gotten into bike accidents and it killed them because we are literally fighting evil spirits you cannot see in the heavenly places. And I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus if you dwell in the shelter of the Most High beloved you will rest in the shadow of the Almighty & God will be your refuge & fortress because the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous who run into it will be safe beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but be not ignorant of the devil's devices and always be as wise as serpent, armor on & fully dressed and you will be protected. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Matthew10:16 | 2Cor11:14 | 1Peter5:8 | Eph6:11-12 | Luke10:19 | Psalm91:1 & Psalm91:11 | Matthew13:25 | John10:10 | Hosea4:6 | 2Cor2:11
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