Prophetic Word: Beloved The Enemy Is Using Mindcontrolling Spirits 2 Harden Hearts With Hope Deferred As A Hardness Tactic With Interception
Heyyy my luvvs. This is for someone my friend. I was hearing the song speechless in Aladdin in the spirit so I looked up the lyrics while waiting for further confirmation and this is what she is singing/ says. I can't stay silent though they want to keep me quiet and I tremble when they try it. All I know is I won't go speechless. And then I saw Tafiti in Moana in the spirit when Moana says This is not who you are, I know you who you are underneath all that stone like she was hidden. Mm and then I saw an octopus on someone's head in the spirit which represents a marine mind controlling spirit and then I saw dory and hank the Octopus when he squirts black ink in the spirit. Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. When Jasmine sings this song speechless, she is being controlled by warlock Jafar and mind controlling spirits. She knows so much she becomes a threat. And Tafitis heart is stolen so she becomes like stone beloved. Hank also represents a mind control spirit covering the eyes and mouth using deception. I'm also seeing someone in the spirit underneath the surface scuba diving in the ocean and seeing an octopus in the spirit. Mm every tentacle is covering something beloved which represents ears eyes and mouth the enemy is trying 2 keep you in darkness. I'm hearing the word hardness tactic in the spirit and it means an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end my God speak Holy Spirit the enemy has been using interception as a tactic 2 stop God's children by trying 2 harden hearts towards God and promises while going through spiritual warfare and trials and tests. The enemy is trying 2 silence you & think you didn't hear God correctly beloved but open your mouth & remind the devil it is written. My God speak Holy Spirit and God's word does not return 2 him void he fulfills it. The enemy's "tactic" for hardness 2 prevent blessings & promises is also hope deferred by interception. Hope deferred makes you sick. By deception the enemy is trying 2 make you rock hard in your heart beloved so you get frustrated because your blessings and promises are being returned 7fold and sent cuz it was stolen kinndaaa like Tafitis heart was stolen and it was rightfully hers beloved. And the enemu is mad he has 2 return what was stolen. I could write pages but I'm running out of room and this is just some of the things Holy Spirit is showing me hunny in the realm of the spirit. It's breakthrough season. Breakthroughs all over the globe beloved. I rebuke & bind every mind controlling spirit and command it 2 leave you in the name of Jesus and go 2 a dry place and never come back again. And I decree declare & prophesy over you in the name of Jesus no weapon formed agaisnt you shall propser beloved and you shall see every single blessing and promise come 2 pass in the name of Jesus 4 God watches over his word 2 perform it. I dont know who this is for baby but be not ignorant of the devil's devices, he's using mind controlling spirits 2 make you impatient and harden your heart through spiritual warfare while waiting long 4 blessings, promises and breakthroughs beloved because it's a hardness tactic 2 take you off course with interception. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
John8:44 | 1Peter5:8 | Eph6:11-12 | Prov13:12 | Isaiah54:17 | Numbers23:19 | Jer29:11 | John10:10 | 2Cor2:11@Jesus'Girl8188♡
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