Prophetic Word: Beloved The Stone The Builder's Rejected, They Now Need Again But They Burnt The Bridge & Now Its Humbling Them
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but I saw red tnt explosives from bugs bunny in the spirit and I saw blueberry pie in the spirit coming out of the oven and then I saw a bridge on fire that collapsed and crumbled from an explosive in the spirit and cars evacuated. Waited for confirmation and then I heard in the spirit beloved they burnt a bridge with you and now they can't cross the bridge and come back again and it's humbling them because the stone the builders rejected now they are crying & need you again because now they need your help because the tables turned on them. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. God loves 2 counfound the wise and shame them. There are ppl that did you wrong and slandered your name and you were rejected & discarded because they didn't know your value and worth in the kingdom but what they don't know is our hearts are pure and different because we were chosen and this is why we are taken advantage of, taken for granted and they mistake our kindness for weakness. My God speak Holy Spirit But helping someone for everything they did is what you makes you a true gem. You have your abba daddy's heart and you'll be rewarded for it. Take it back 2 God if you should open the door again yet and help them because this person who did you wrong is feeling so much remoarse and regret. They are regretting touching God's annointed & burning that bridge. They didn't see you then but they see you now because God is revealing your value, heart and spirit 2 some of them. The humble pie is going 2 change them becuz you were their test & they learned a valuable lesson not 2 judge a book by its cover beloved and be so quick 2 believe lies & burn bridges. I'm hearing the good Samaritan in the spirit. The traveler was stripped of his clothes and half beaten 2 death, half dead and others walked right by did not help him but the good Samaritan showed mercy helped the injured man my God speak Holy Spirit because he couldn't bare 2 see him suffer the way he did. And he didn't stop there not only caring for him but went the extra mile took him 2 an inn and paid for it. We ought 2 have fervent love for one another and help one another beloved. Ppl don't know your heart hunny because some ppl don't deserve 2 know and God won't show them. but others do know and this is what makes you so precious because they see you as God sees you through a spiritual lense. Speak Holy Spirit love your neighbor as yourself beloved. I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will give you wisdom on how 2 handle the situation and help them and through your love and compassion lead them down the right path so they will heal, transform and become born again. They may have made a mistake and burnt a bridge and baby it's up 2 you if you're going 2 be the good Samaritan and help them but you must always forgive and show mercy because they need grace and someone 2 help pull them out of the pit. I'm hearing in Cinderella we must always have courage and be kind in the spirit. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Romans12:2 | John13:34 | Matt6:33 | Hebrews12:14 | Matt5:44-45 | John15:12 | Matt5:9 Luke10:33-35 | John3:3 | Proverb16:7 | 1Cor1:27@Jesus'Girl8188♡
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