Prophetic Word: Beloved When A Leg Or Arm Is Broken, The Whole Body Is Affected Because The Leg & Arm Are Needed 4 The Body 2 Work & Operate Correctly 2 Function
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I saw a child in the spirit in a hallway doing kindaa like a poster project. She looked like she was in kindergarten & on the floor she had a really long thin paper & it was a traced body diagram and labeled inside each body part almost like a web. As always I waited for more details & confirmation & then I saw someone in spirit at a hospital & their leg was broken. And then later I heard in the spirit many parts one, body beloved. Thanku Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 hear me by the spirit of God beloved. The person I saw in the spirtual realm with the leg that was broken, the whole body was affected becuz 1 part of the body was injured beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. The body cannot fully operate without one body part & missing pieces. The body needs the feet as much as the hands & the body needs the ears as much as the eyes beloved. We are many members in 1 body operating in our gifts. Speak Holy Spirit. The body of Christ needs apostles, teachers & prophets 2 operate fully the 5 fold ministry beloved. Every member is important & every gift is needed. Speak Holy Spirit. One part or member of the body is not more important than the other beloved. In the body there should be no division. If the arm Is injured or infected or affected we all suffer with it my God speak Holy Spirit becuz we are connected in the realm & are 1 in Christ beloved working w/ many different gifts by the same spirit, mhm one spirit. Baptized in one body & If 1 part is honored we all rejoice w/ it becuz we are rooted & grounded in love in unison by the same spirit & in this earth our daddy has assignments 4 his purpose & each 1 of us are needed 2 bring glory 2 God's kingdom. My lane is spiritual realm/ warfare that is not taught often & as a seer prophet, you can't operate in my gifts the same way I can't operate in yours beloved becuz my annointing is different. Speak Holy Spirit & I'm designed 4 it but my part of the body is just as needed as your part 4 the whole body 2 function. Mm catch this parts of the body may seem insignificant and won't make sense but it's still needed. So just becuz the hand is not the foot it's still part of the body & should have equal concern 4 eachother beloved. Does the arm compete with the leg like a competition. My God speak Holy Spirit. God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance & of different kinds of tongues & u are the body of Christ & each one of u is a part of it. The workers are few but great the harvest and I prophesy more ppl are coming into the kingom of God for it is not God's will 2 perish in rhe name of Jesus becuz u & your gifts r needed. The body heals other parts of the body when it's injured naturally healing itself & we need each part of the body 2 heal & function. I dont know who this is 4 baby but the body needs all its parts 2 operate correctly in orderly kingdom, every part and member of the body all suffers with it when one part of the leg or arm is broken. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Eph2:10 | 1Cor12 | John13:34 | Eph3:17 | Matt16:18 | Amos3:7 | Matt9:37 | Col2:7@Jesus'Girl8188♡
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