Prophetic Word: Beloved When The Pain Of The Contractions Is Most Intense That's When You Persevere & Push The Hardest
Heyyy my luuvs. I have so many prophetic words for y'all my beloved. But I'll post 2rmw yet. I'll don't know who this one's for beloved but I heard the spirit of the Lord say push. Mhm I've just been hearing push push push in the spirit the final push just don't quit. I am feeling the pain of contractions in the spirit so whoever this word is for beloved it's like you're in a painful situation that God is using 2 birth your purpose. You aren't comfortable & you are getting tired of pushing and waiting beloved but I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus if you do not quit, and keep pushing and faint not, you will see a harvest. Remember were under the Galations6:7 annointing reap what you sow harvest. I don't know who this is for beloved but I am seeing how a car was delayed in the spirit and missed a car accident with a semi that should of been that car instead. I'm also seeing again in the spirit the woman who didn't get on the plane 911 and she lived. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Sometimes the delay is for your protection. My God speak Holy Spirit because we can't see the bigger picture ahead could it be we are so impatient and want everything without waiting or contending & fighting for it. God will never give you something you are not prepared 4 and ready for beloved. I'm seeing in the spirit how a woman that is pregnant, she goes through a transition. Speak Holy Spirit her body is preparing 2 be a mother and everything changes. Mother instincts & her hormones through gestation, the baby's growth and development stretches the uterus, the breast milk production. The body is preparing for the baby to come beloved just like we need 2 prepare and ask God 2 help us prepare mindset for the transition. Prepare us for his purpose. My God speak Holy Spirit the plans assignments and the next level new version of you requries for it. I'm seeing a butterfly coming out of a cocoon in the spirit out of isolation. Many of you here have been going through a transformation for your next level where God wants 2 take you next 2 show you your purpose and I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will give you wisdom how 2 maintain it 2 step into your purpose for no eye has seen and no ear has heard beloved and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. I hear God saying will I not bring the pregnancy to completion will I not bring it forth beloved. The body is prepared for motherhood because it's been through a transition and transformation. Your body doesn't go through all that preparation and those changes and contractions for nothing beloved. You are birthing purpose. Mm recieve this. I don't know who this is for baby but when the contractions get closer together the pain is more intense because of the full dilation when the cervix opens but you don't quit pushing because you're tired and just quit, that is when you persevere and push the hardest. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Romans12:2 |2Cor2:9 | Isaiah66:9 | Isaiah54:17 | Galations6:9 | Galations6:7 | John10:10 | Jeremiah29:11 | Ephesians2:10
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