Prophetic Word: The Harvest Will Be Prolific, I'm Making Moves Behind The Scenes Beloved

 Heyyy my luuvs. I dont know who this one's for baby but I have been hearing the word prolific in the spirit and im also seeing a chessboard in the spirit. Prolific means producing much fruit, bigger harvest and we know that fruit is symbolic for having the character of Christ in partnership 2 build his kingdom. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved He will cut off any branch that does not produce fruit and throw it in the fire those branches. God is doing a new thing beloved. I prophesied its a Galations6:7 annointing harvest til this year ends. Prolific also means abundant so if you've sown alot of good seed in the ground hunny get ready for a harvest that is prolific. The chessboard im seeing in the spirit represents God is making moves you wouldnt expect. Speak Holy Spirit. Exceeding your expectations. There's alot of activity in the realm going on beloved because so many breakthroughs are on their way and its going 2 be prolific. I'm hearing someone say in the spirit well I still haven't had or seen it yet. Well are you in position, are you living in sin are you in alignment is there unforgiveness. Because God is not a man that he should lie and his word does not return 2 him void beloved speak Holy Spirit. Don't be ignorant. Get in position, get in alignment. Radical obedience provokes Heaven. Don't speak death over by what you haven't seen yet. That's a word for someone beloved. Quit saying or thinking well I haven't seen it yet and start confessing your breakthrough is still coming yet in the name of Jesus because it is. I'm hearing 4 days late still on time in the spirit. You may think you're delayed or its 2 late but God is never late beloved. He didn't put you through those hard situations but he will use that situation to teach you patience and change you through it. I'm seeing a rainbow in the spirit. So whoever this word is for beloved I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus God watch over his word 2 perform it and you shall see what you're believing for and get your breakthrough yet for God can't lie and always does what he promises and his promises are yes and amen and if you continously diligently seek Him pursuing holiness and righteousness, big rewards will come with it. I'm hearing in tne spirit get into position seeing a track with hurdles ahead but athletes bent down getting ready 4 it. I'm hearing on your make get set go in the spirit. Some of you here need 2 get in position because God is getting ready 2 release it but perhaps you're still not in position mm. I'm also seeing a rocket being launched in the spirit. Rockets take alot of preparation before take off and elevation. I don't know who this is for baby but rewards are coming and God is making big moves in the spirit because the harvest that is coming will be prolific. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Eph3:20 | Numbers23:19 | Hebrews11:6 | Hebrews11:1 | John15:2 | John10:10 | Isaiah43:18-19 | James1:7-8 | Isaiah55:11


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