Prophetic Word: I Am The God Who Sees Beloved, I Will Bless & Deliver You From Abuse Or Bondage 4 Redemption
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved but I saw someone in the spirit sitting against the wall on their bottom with their knees bent and it looked like someone was crying with their hands covering them. Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God. He is the God who sees beloved. I don't know what you're going through, if you're like Hagar pregnant and discarded. Mm maybe it's just a bad situation. But I decree declare and prophesy He is the God sees you beloved in that low condition. He collects every tear and he will redeem you and your situation. I'm seeing someone in the spirit being physically abused and beaten. My God speak Holy Spirit im seeing purple bruises and you're trying 2 cover up the bruises to make it less obvious. You're making me cry but if this is you beloved or even resonates with your spirit with a different similar situation. Then lift up both hands in the air 2 heaven and recieve this. It's for more than one person. I bind every spirit of demonic opression, evil entities, and I loose joy and freedom over you in the name of Jesus. I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God is the God who sees and he is delivering you out of that situation. God is turning away your captivity baby and you'll be like those who dream mouth filled with laughter and singing again. I'm seeing someone in the spirit being manipulated and gaslit. And im also seeing prison bars in the spirit representing a bondage situation. Prophetic instruction from the prophet. Start praying, singing and praising Jesus and thanking him for deliverance and I prophesy God will bust you out of prison like Paul and Silas. One way or anothe prophetically it'll be a great shaking. Don't see it?? keep praising and thanking him for he walk by faith not by sight beloved. He is the God who sees and reveals for redemption. Im hearing walk away in the spirit. Do not look at the situation but have faith in Him. Abigail was in an abusive relationship domestic violence but Nabal died because the wages of sin is death and you are not obligated 2 stay in it if it is threatening your safety beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. Yes God hates divorce but God also hates men that love violence. Mhm I said it and you never need 2 be submissive 2 that kind of man ever beloved. If he doesn't change walk away from him. Speak Holy Spirit. Abigail was a clever, brave, beautiful woman and David pursued Abigail and she became his wife after Nabals death. Abigail had faith in God and recognized His plan for Israel concerning David. And God still blessed Hagar & Ishmael and his descendants. I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus your deliverance and you'll be blessed because whom the son sets free is free indeed beloved. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this in Jesus Name 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
John8:36 | Psalm126 | Gen16:13 | 1Samuel25 | Acts16:25-26 | Matt19:26 | Matt10:14 John10:10
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