Prophetic Word: When You Let Go & Trust Me Beloved, That's When You're Free & Your Life Begins
Heyyy my luuvs. I saw something in the spirit and I don't usually post on my day of rest but someone must really need this because I'm seeing my profile icon and envelope emogi in the spirit which is Holy Spirit urging me 2 post beloved. I saw 2 things in the realm one of them was seeing someone in the spirit holding onto a rope with bloody hands and just very red but when they let go, it still hurt but it wasn't as painful as holding onto it. Mm And the other thing I saw in the spirit was Rapunzel afraid 2 let go, letting go of her hair afraid 2 touch the grass but when she did she was free breaking out in song and glad she did. I don't know who needs 2 hear this today beloved. But if this resonates with your spirit than the Holy Spirit has a word for you so recieve this. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. It's ok 2 let go and trust God 2 heal the pain from holding on so tight 2 something or someone your hand is red. You're afraid of letting go because it's familiar & you're in a mind battle in your flesh. But if you have 2 hold on so tight baby that your hand is getting damaged my God speak Holy Spirit than its not from him because the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and there's no sorrow that comes with it. If it is his will you will not have damage 2 your hands 2 hold on to it. Mm y'all the way I saw this in the spirit I mean this man was holding on for dear life as if his life depended on it. His hand was so blistered and bloody and red & I bind every mind controlling spirit and cast it into the abyss never 2 return again in the name of Jesus. So whoever this word is for you are holding on that tightly that it hurts more 2 hold on than 2 let go beloved. And I decree declare & prophesy over you in the name of Jesus whatever it is, that God will give you strength 2 let go and surrender it and heal that damage, heal your heart & those broken pieces and transform you by the renewing of your mind beloved making you into a new creation and reward you for your obedience for obedience is better than sacrifice beloved. What God has for you hunny is better than what you're trying 2 hold onto causing so much damage. Ironically when Rapunzel let's go she finishes the song thats when my life begins. I'm seeing in the spirit Elsa in chains in frozen. As long as you hold on, it will be like being chained with a prison mindset but when Rapunzel let go she was saying its like the first time ever I'm completely free beloved. I decree declare & prophesy over you in the name of Jesus whom the son sets is free indeed and those chains are broken. I don't know who this word is for baby but God wants 2 do a new thing do you not percieve it but first you gotta lean not on your own understanding let go and trust him and then comes complete healing, freedom, transformation and restoration. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Isaiah43:18-19 | Joel2:25 | Prov3:5-6:| Phill1:6 | Phill4:13 | Prov10:22 | John8:36 | 2Cor5:17 | 2Cor5:7@Jesus'Girl8188♡
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