Prophetic Word: You Are Untouchable Beloved, My Angels Are Encamped Around You On Assignment As A Shield Of Protection
Heyyy my luuvs. I heard the word untouchable in the spirit and then I saw in the spirit the incredibles when Dash is targeted and Violet runs in front of him and puts a force field shield around them as Dash runs super quick and then I heard in the spirit you are untouchable beloved, I have my angels encamped around you on assignment.[Psalm91:11] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. These bad guys on the island were on a mission 2 kill them on assignment and they didn't even care that they were kids but Dash and violet were untouchable because they had a force field shield around them. I'm hearing the word failed witchcraft attempts in the spirit. It backfired and boomerangs back 2 them what they tried to send now the curse is on them because I prophesy nobody can curse what God has blessed and God will curse those who curse you beloved because you are under Psalm 91 protection in the name of Jesus and no weapon formed against you shall prosper beloved. And every spell they try put on you or let's say for example a spell to make someone sick now that spell actually goes back 2 the sender and they get even more sick because they can't cross the bloodline of Jesus. Some even death im seeing the warlock in the spirit in swan princess and how he tried 2 kill Odette. Mm this is why so many ppl who attempted to touch you are very sick because the devil comes 2 collect. Mhm I said it messing with spells or word curses, there is a payment because the wages of sin is death. The devil doesn't care if it gets you killed your bitterness your attempts and spells on them deception lies and manipulation when he knows it backfires and there is payment. My God speak Holy Spirit because the devil also kills his kids as a form of payment. I hear you Holy Spirit yes Be not ignorant of Satan's devices. Baby this is why ppl in hollywood who sell their souls to the devil have so many losses. Mm because they signed a contract and for fame they gotta make the devil a payment. Speak Holy Spirit This is why lukewarm ppl who call themselves christians who hate you for no reason are under curses and sick, half out half in because they worship God with their lips but their heart is far from him. They are wicked. They call themselves christians but in their heart and thoughts they wish harm or death because jealously is a cain spirit. Speak Holy Spirit and their heart is with satan & and they've given them selves over 2 him without even knowing it. My God speak Holy Spirit or they wouldn't be plotting evil on God's Children but they try 2 convince themselves they love Jesus but they wouldn't be so rebellious hating others breaking commandments but they're finding out the hard way the wages of sin is death. I'm seeing in the spirit in Rapunzel Tangled how mother gothel disguised as beautiful and young but an old witch becuz the wages of sin is death as a form of payment and when you consistently use word curses 2 try 2 touch & harm God's prophet & God's annointed. We do not rejoice beloved but I'm seeing in the spirit those ppl are aging & are in pain and very sick so pray 4 them. I'm seeing a child in the spirit crying drawing a circle with chalk around her 2 feel safe as a form of protection but I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus every witchcraft attempt sent will fail and go back 2 the sender in the name of Jesus and God will make your enemies a footstool under your feet & your favor even surrounds you as a shield of protection beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but you may be surrounded by enemies targeting you right and left but the force field like Dash And Violet is surrounding you as protection in the spiritual realm with angels encamped around you on assignment. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Numbers23:23 | Psalm91&91:11 | Eph6:11-12 |John10:10 | Isaiah54:17 | Psalm110:1 | 1Chron16:22 | Prov16:7
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