Prophetic Word: You May Be Weird Or Strange & Peculiar 2 Them But You Are The Apple Of My Eyes & Perfect Beloved
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved. But my Tuxedo cat Cuddles was washing himself in the Lego box lol and so content and my kids thought it was so weird like yeah he's different. A cat different like mom, and God sent and soo perfect. And then I heard in the spirit beloved you are also different and peculiar 2 the world like the cat in the Lego box was 2 the kids. Because you do things different than the rest of them but you are the apple of my eyes beloved and so perfect. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. As God's annointed and chosen we do not act like the world because we have our daddys mind and spirit. And because we have the mind of Christ & his ways and thoughts are higher than ours beloved, the more we transform like our daddy King Jesus created in God's image and likeness the more we will be strange 2 the world because not acting like the world is foolishness 2 them. We a speak different language. Speak Holy Spirit. The more we become like daddy Jesus and think and conduct ourselves like him and walk in the spirit, it won't make sense because how we talk even is another level of revelation and only ppl who are his will know his voice and it'll make sense because his sheep hear his voice beloved. I'm hearing in the spirit higher dimension. Dimension means apart and apart means far away or further my God speak Holy Spirit set apart further from the world because we are in this world not of this world called & chosen. Mm I decree & declare & prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that you have the mind of Christ beloved therefore you think different because you're seated with Christ Jesus in Heavenly places. You are fearfully and wonderfully made beloved. Pay no attention 2 worldy ppl and the persecution. I'm seeing a school bus in the spirit on a field trip with a long line of kids getting an ice-cream treat & juice boxes and chips and im hearing someone say in the spirit you're so weird, why would you like that and this kid I'm seeing in the spirit looks sad & is really hurt by the comment. Mm Expect ppl 2 hate you for no reason beloved when you are his and belong 2 him its prophetic. I dont know who you are beloved but you are struggling with insecurity because you are different but you are so loved and precious and all the chosen ones are on a different dimension so therefore there will be resentment and persecution but I prophesy you can do all things hunny through Christ who strengthens you in the name of Jesus. Not doing things the world's way in the world's system will make you a default target and so will elevation. I'm seeing Mia in the spirit and how she was always picked on for having the big hair bushy eyebrows and glasses because they were bullies and jealous but underneath all that appearance she was royalty my God speak Holy Spirit and a Genovia princess mm but judged because she was different. And they changed their tune and pretended to like her when they found out who she really was, gone through a transformation. A future queen, a current princess. They would mock and laugh at her because she was different because ppl always resent uniqueness or choosing 2 stand out and do things different resenting your personality and the fact that you're chosen but baby the spirit dwells within & you are God's special possession and loved by him. And greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but when my cat Cuddles was sitting in the Lego box he didn't care what we thought, he slept and minded his own business because he was content. And if you knew who you really were & how precious, you wouldn't care what ppl thought that you do weird things 2 them and different because before birth you were set apart and chosen and you are strange or peculiar & rejected by them because you have always been in a different dimension. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
1Peter2:9 | Zechariah2:8 | 2Cor3:18 | 2Tim3:12 | Psalm139:14 | Isaiah55:8 | Romans12:2 | Matt22:14 | Psalm139:14 | 1John4:4 | Gen1:26-27
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