Prophetic Word: Your Saltiness Is Triggering Your Enemies Beloved, Cruella DeVil Is Throwing A Tantrum Because She's Defeated
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was hearing salt triggering in the spirit. And seeing someone sitting at a table in the spirit with a sour face reaction tongue out, a red head eating a fork full but it was 2 salty for them. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. You are the salt of the earth and your saltiness will trigger some ppl with unclean spirits. Thus why ppl hate you because you're 2 hot and spicy and 2 bright & salty for them and in some cases even rejected and discarded because you're chosen because they have a selfish spirit. They gamble playing with you like its a game 2 them my God speak Holy Spirit but found out your worth when the stone the builder's rejected becomes the chief cornerstone instead because many are called and only a few are chosen. And the devil and his kids are really mad in the spirit throwing a tantrum. I'm seeing Cruella DeVil and her crazy eyes red veined eyes in the spirit and she crashed into the ditch and she couldn't stop crying because she cant use them anymore & she was defeated. What some of these ppl did 2 you are only feeling regret because they no longer have access 2 use you beloved because they only want what you can give them kindaaa like Cruella only wanted the puppies 2 get the fur coat and extremely selfish. My God speak Holy Spirit because the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Whoever this word is for beloved. The enemy who was trying 2 plot against you failed miserablely and now they are mad crying and flabbergasted and your saltiness triggers them. And so is your hot 2 the touch light that they actually think in their own delusional minds they can destroy God's annointed. They actually think if they slander & plot evil they won't pay for it but the wages of sin is death. It may be a slow death but evil never wins. They are triggered because the glory of the Lord is shining upon you beloved. And I prophesy whoever digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit they have made beloved. The trouble they cause recoils on them their violence comes down on their own heads. The wages of sin is death. God has made it very clear 2 your enemy beloved do my prophets no harm and touch not my annointed. Some ppl will even be taken out of the earth if they do not quit attacking you or relent and repent. But they think it wont be them. They dont know Jehovah Sabaoth then. And then Holy Spirit led me 2 a new song I already posted called "Big God" as confirmation. God is man of war beloved. Im seeing the word spelled out Haman in the spirit. Haman loved power and attention and hated Esther and Mordechai because he was jealous. I prophesy every haman will fall in the pit they planned 4 you beloved & whoever is pregnant with evil conceives trouble and gives birth to disillusionment and the enemies will scatter & perish. God's wrath will be poured on anyone who tries 2 slander or hurt or harm God's children again this season. You are who God says you are beloved and there is no condemnation. The enemy is mad because this is your elevation season so he tries 2 play with your head with little mind games beloved because Cruella DeVil is mad and having a tantrum because you are being blessed & your saltiness is triggering them because you are chosen. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Jeremiah17:9 | Psalm7:14-16 | 1Chron16:22 | Matthew23:14 | Romans8:31 | Romans12:19 | Romans8:28 | Romans6:23 | Psalm68:1 | James4:7@Jesus'Girl8188♡
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