Prophetic Word: You're 2 Strong & Powerful 4 Them 2 Put The Fire Out Beloved, The Kingdom Of Darkness Cannot Extinguish The Fire Within
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. A while ago I kept smelling smoke in the spirit but It wasnt time 2 release it so I waited for confirmation. And then I saw in the spirit a house on fire and hearing screaming and sirens in the spirit and in the realm the flames were so big it couldn't be extinguished. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved 10 firemen wouldn't be able 2 extinguish the fire within because the Holy Ghost fire in you is 2 powerful and the fire can't be put out beloved. In the realm this fire couldn't be put out because it was 2 big 4 them mm and God is a consuming fire beloved my God speak Holy Spirit so no matter what the enemy tries 2 do they won't be able 2 extinguish the flame that lights up the world beloved just like the firemen couldn't in the spirit. And I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus your enemies will scatter & die trying 2 put out your fire because you cannot fail when God is within. You cannot be stopped and this is why there's resentment because you are the light of the world baby and a city on a hill cannot be hidden. You know you are major threat when you are targeted by the kingdom of darkness. You're so dangerous they try 2 put out your Holy Ghost fire before it gets out of control becuz its hot and just spreads but they cannot do it or extinguish becuz theres nothing more powerful than the Holy Spirit because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world beloved. The fire in the realm was huge above the building it was so out of control in the spirit. Mm You're so hot baby you dangerous 2 the kingdom of darkness with your gifts and demons are trembling in other dimensions because of what lives in you which is the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Recieve this 4 there are no boundaries with the annointing beloved. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
1John4:4 | Matt5:14-16 | Eph6:11-12 | Hebrews12:29 | 1Pet5:8 | John10:10 | Psalm46:5 | Luke10:19 | Romans8:11@Jesus'Girl8188♡
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