Prophetic Word: Beloved I Am Setting U Up 2 Win, Praise Me While You're Waiting In The Hallway 4 Doors 2 Open

 Heyyy my luuvs. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Beloved. A day of reflection and celebrating Jesus. This is someone's word and I gotta release this and be obedient. I saw someone in the spirit standing in a hallway surrounded by doors closed and darkness. So I waited if there was more details and confirmation and then I saw bars of gold and a silhouette of someone riding on a camel in the spirit. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. When you're waiting for a door 2 open praise Him in the hallway giving Him thanks in all circumstances. I'm hearing in the spirit tribulation and the trying of your faith worketh patience. Mm because patience produces endurance and endurance produces character while in that hallway waiting for doors 2 open my God speak Holy Spirit even if we're surrounded by darkness. Even if it's a test. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The wise men aka astrologers brought gifts 2 honor King Jesus. Yes astrologers becuz God will use anyone & anything 2 bless his children. Whoo!! And I prophesy when we grow in stature and wisdom we also have favor with man & God for our obedience in the name of Jesus. Mm and those gifts from the wise men were hot commodities in those days beloved because God was setting up his son Jesus 2 win right out of the gate when he was born in Bethlehem. and 2 be established. Speak Holy Spirit. And we are joint heirs with Jesus because of the Abraham covenant so it applies 2 us 2 beloved. because God has prepared things for us steps ahead. Having kingdom wealth is biblical because we are a royal priest hood beloved and His. I'm seeing someone in the spirit as an entrepreneur and hes hiring his own kids even because of his prospering family business. Speak Holy Spirit because Jesus has come 2 give us life and life more abundant. Hear what I'm saying by the spirit of the Lord beloved. Because God says in his word the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and he adds no sorrow with. Meaning whatever is from the Lord will not be a struggle, burden or curse, no it will be blessed. You wont have 2 toil 4 it. Money included speak Holy Spirit but you gotta pass your $ test because the love of money is the root of all evil beloved. And inheritance comes when you're ready 4 it. The Father was setting Jesus up 2 win from the start in Bethlehem. He has plans 2 prosper you not harm you, a hope and a future beloved. I'm hearing in the spirit no eye has seen no ear heard and no mind has concieved what God has prepared for those who love him. Yess because every soul on the planet has a different fingerprint therefore different annointing and purpose mm because God has ordained Eph2:10 assignments Speak Holy Spirit. And so it'll be big for you and different becuz no eye has seen it. No one in your bloodline has heard of it. Mm I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will honor your waiting in the hallway that's producing patience waiting for him and set you up 2 win giving you power 2 get wealth opening doors no man can shut beloved. And if you're standing in the hallway waiting in darkness, waiting 4 doors 2 open come on Holy Spirit waiting 4 provision waiting 2 be established then praise him and be patient because patience produces endurance and there's a purpose for every season under the heaven. I decree declare and prophesy that God will mount you up with wings as eagles while you wait on him and renew your strength again in the name of Jesus for His strength is made perfect in your weakness and his grace is sufficient. I don't know who this is for baby but sometimes how you wait is a test so if you're waiting in the hallway, praise Him because patience produces endurance, & endurance produces character while waiting for doors 2 open. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

James1:2-3 | Ecc3:1 | Romans15:5-6 | 2Peter3:9 | Deut8:18 | Prov10:22 | 2Cor12:9 | Matt7:7-8 | Rev3:8 | John10:10 | Jeremiah29:11 | 1Peter5:10 




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