Prophetic Word: The Enemy Will Pay Sevenfold What Rightfully Belongs 2 You Beloved, I Will Do Miracles & Move Mountains 4 Recompense & Restoration
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this word is for beloved but a few days ago I have been dispatching my angels praying in the spirit and I do often and I have been hearing sevenfold for a few days in the spirit and today I got further confirmation and Holy Spirit showed me a song by Tauren Wells called Miracle and the other one is called taking it all back and my jaw practically dropped because of the lyrics. What are the chances. So I'm going to post/pin it yet. So if this is your word you'll know. Test the spirit. The lyrics of taking it back are I'm calling my angels down I'm storming the gates of hell. Tell the devil he don't own my soul. I'm taking back what the enemy stole. I'm raising the battle cry. I'm holding the banner high With the power of the Holy Ghost. I'm taking back what the enemy stole. So this explains why I was hearing sevenfold in the spirit. Mm Because someone is currently going through spiritual warfare battling demons and evil spirits but I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that the enemy will return sevenfold everything he stole from you in the name of Jesus. Whatever God has told you what is rightfully yours beloved and you don't have it, that is the thief Satan stealing from you beloved, his agenda steal kill steal destroy and I cancel every demonic assignment now in the name of Jesus and you have every right 2 take back what's yours by commanding the enemy 2 let go of it and return sevenfold everything you loss beloved. Some of you here have lost peace joy finances and even kingdom relationships. But I hear the spirit of the Lord say its coming back because its rightfully yours 2 begin with. The devil will pay, It will cost him. Thankyou Holy Spirit I just saw a huge green grasshopper in the spirit. I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will restore the years and everything 2 you that the locusts hath eaten in the name of Jesus. The miracle lyrics are Lord I know it's you in every mountain that you move. Mm Yess God will literally move Heaven and earth for you 2, mountains will move and the enemy will return 7fold what he stole from you. I'm seeing things in pairs in the spirit. Double rainbow, 2 doves even. Some of you here have had your name dragged through the mud the enemy trying 2 dim your light but I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus double honor for your shame and a double blessing portion in the name of Jesus. I'm also going into a vision seeing in the realm Cinderellas dress as she comes down the stairs and the step mom and step sisters are so jealous they destroyed her dress in hopes of her not meeting the prince sabotaging her opportunity with him and im seeing in the spirit how she still miracuously ends up meeting him and Cinderella gets a new dress and dramatic transformation. And his eyes are opened. The dress represents the enemy taking what is rightfully yours beloved but I'm hearing the spirit of the Lord say you're getting it all back even better than before beloved my God speak Holy Spirit because I am doing a new thing and I make all things new again. Whoo!! Because Cinderella gets a ball gown instead mm. Whoever this word is for beloved I am so excited. Cinderella has a beautiful pure heart with kindness and she reaped a bountiful harvest because of it and the step sisters even apologized 2 Cinderella for her poor treatment mm because when your ways are pleasing 2 the Lord, He makes even your enemies 2 be at peace with you and humbles them and Cinderella got restoration. I don't know who this is for baby but it's time 2 get back what is rightfully yours in the name of Jesus waging war in spirit and step on the devil's neck and trampling on snakes and scorpions. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Proverb6:31 | Joel2:25 | Ephesians3:20 | Romans8:28 | John10:10 | Isaiah43:19 |Psalm91:11 | Eph6:11-12 | Matthew17:20 | Hebrews11:1 | James3:16 | Isaiah61:7
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