Prophetic Word: I Want The Rejected Ones Beloved, The Ones Left Out In The Cold 4 Many Are Called & Few Are Chosen
Heyyy my luvvs. I dont know who this word is for beloved but I was making a quick breakfast and picking hashbrowns out of the bag putting the pan in the oven and I was picking the ones I wanted but the ones a little broken or bent I would put them back in the bag in the freezer again. But as I did I was hearing in the spirit rejected. And then I waited for more confirmation and I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit baby dory going across the ocean and always being rejected and even as she got older, they were cold towards her and she was rejected. And then I heard in the spirit I want the rejected ones beloved that no one wanted for many are called and few are chosen. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Whoever this word is for you have been rejected. Ppl have picked you then changed their mind and picked another hashbrown instead. My God speak Holy Spirit and as if that hashbrown wasn't broken enough from previous rejection mm but then rejected again. And it hurt you didnt it. Yesss baby God saw it. Mhm and If this is your word and it resonates in your spirit then the Lord is saying that season of rejection is coming 2 an end. I prophesy it is and God is choosing the ones who were rejected. And you are chosen and you are a trophy in God's kingdom with value and purpose. Speak Holy Spirit The remnant. Mm I'm hearing in the spirit I am revealing the worth of these precious diamonds. Whoo!! I prophesy those seasons of rejection are over in the name of Jesus as God elevates you and takes you from glory 2 glory into a new dimension. You were always special 2 God beloved when one else knew what was within. The hashbrowns or fish ppl don't want and put back in the bag that is frozen leaving you out in the cold rejected my God speak Holy Spirit those are the ones He wants beloved. I hear the spirit of the Lord say They are needed in my kingdom. The last becomes the first beloved. Mm. I'm seeing a couple kids a little girl and a boy just an inch taller siblings that wanted 2 be in a cute tree house club but are being rejected in the spirit. So whoever this word is for rejection is coming 2 an end. You are chosen and God is going 2 use you 2 further his Kingdom. Speak Holy Spirit the stone the builders rejected becomes the chief cornerstone beloved. The harvest is great precious but the workers are few and you are loved and needed. I'm hearing in the spirit seated with Christ Jesus in Heavenly places yes. I don't know who this is for baby but if you were ever overlooked, discarded and put back in the bag out in the cold frozen and rejected, the last shall be the first and you are headed for elevation because you are a rare diamond and chosen. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Psalm118:22 | Matthew20:16 | 1Peter2:9 Matthew5:8 | 2Corinthians3:18 | Ephesians2:6,10 | Zechariah2:8 | 1Chron16:22 | Matthew22:14 |
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