Prophetic Word: Is There Anything 2 Hard For Me Beloved, A Mustard Seed Of Faith Is All It Takes 2 Move A Mountain

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I heard these words is anything 2 hard for me in the spirit and then I saw someone in the spirit whose leg extended. She looked about 6 or 7 and she had a condition where her leg didn't grow the same length as the other one did but after believing in faith for a miracle, she recieved a creative miracle and her leg supernaturally grew longer and it extended. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. I don't know what you've been through or what you're believing for or if it's a similar situation but the spirit of the Lord is saying believe and you will see it. Speak Holy Spirit all it takes is a mustard seed of faith to move a mountain. I'm seeing someone in the spirit getting healed from afflictions. Some of you here have actually been rushed to the hospital as the enemy has been attacking your body with sicknesses and viruses but nothing is 2 hard for him. Don't believe the lies of the enemy that your case is 2 hard for Jesus. Come on Holy Spirit. There is nothing God cannot do if you only have faith and trust him. I decree declare and prophesy over you by Jesus' stripes you are healed in the name of Jesus. I'm also seeing someone in the spirit with resumes in his hand looking for a job at small businesses. I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will help you and give you the power 2 get wealth in the name of Jesus and when he does do not forget him. For he has good plans 2 prosper you beloved. I'm also seeing someone looking at a calender looking worried in the spirit the hand is over the head. I decree declare and prophesy that God will perfect all that concerns you beloved as you cast your anxieties and cares on him and lean not on your own understanding trusting him. Because with God all things are possible 2 those who believe beloved. It doesn't matter what the situation. In a split second God can flip the script but you gotta pursue holiness and righteousness and the righteous will never be forsaken. Mm Thankyou Holy Spirit. The girl I saw in the spirit when her leg extended is a miracle that won't make sense but God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours beloved. He is a creative genius. and this is why we cast down every imagination thinking our case is an impossible situation and take those captive. My God speak Holy Spirit He is the God who specializes in parting the waters 2 walk through it. Mm a way maker and making a way when there seems 2 be no way beloved. God will carve out a door in the middle of a wall if he has 2 to get you 2 your destination. That's a word for someone baby I said it. Is there anything 2 hard for him. Just because you don't see a way through it doesn't mean it's over then. Baby have faith in Him. He has a solution before the foundation of the world to that problem or impossible situation. Speak Holy Spirit. He is the God who specializes in using a slingshot 2 kill giants my God help me Holy Spirit. Because God's ways are higher and won't always make sense, in our small carnal minds in the flesh but the wisdom of this world 2 God is foolishness. I don't know who this is for baby but nothing is 2 hard for Him even if it's an impossible situation, and if God never allowed us go through life with problems, trials and tribulation, we wouldn't need faith or depend on him and have faith the size of a mustard seed 2 see Him move mountains. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Matt17:20 | Mark11:23-24 | Deut8:18 | Matt19:26 | Hebrews11:1 | Prov3:5 | Isaiah53:5 | Jer32:27 | Isaiah55:8-9 | | 1Pet5:7



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