Prophetic Word: The Little Kitten Always Picked Last & Rejected, Becomes First & The Chief Cornerstone Beloved
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. The Holy Spirit is putting it on my heart 2 share something personal related 2 my testimony so someone needs this. Whoever this word is for beloved it will resonate with your spirit. I went into a vision and saw 2 things in the realm of the spirit first I saw a box of puppies at pet store saying adopt me but there was always one that was not picked and left. Nobody wanted it. and then I was seeing in the spirit how Oliver the kitten always wanted 2 be loved and picked in the box & nobody wanted him, they forgot him, it rained and he was abandoned the box even shriveled up and he was scared and homeless. There is someone here under the annointing and sound of my voice reading this you have been rejected or abandoned and I'm getting emotional because I just wanna hug you and tell u its going 2 be ok beloved. Rejection is over in the name of Jesus. You might ask my testimony how is this related. Because as a chosen one by God annointed 2 be a lastdays prophetess and prophetic annointing on me beloved. God hid me I was hidden and always rejected for protection. The devil saw my annointing on me since I was born and knew I was chosen and he used ppl and witches and spells and rituals my whole life 2 get ppl 2 reject me since I was a kid. So I know the pain of what that is. All you wanna do is be loved and accepted. Mhm Speak Holy Spirit. So then you are by default depressed and a target 2 of premature death because your annointing is a threat. My whole life I was a target 2 the kingdom of darkness and satan even tried 2 get me 2 take myself out before I was born again. The reason it is related is because I always said, I felt like an outcast my whole life in a kitty litter and a little kitten in a box who nobody ever wanted. Holy Spirit said I always wanted you beloved. And then He started 2 reveal things 2 me that I never knew in the secret places. I will repinn my small testimony next 2 this beloved. But then Jenny takes oliver the kitten in mm kindaaa like Jesus takes you in and you are never rejected by him or abandoned or forsaken. Whoo!! See because the devil knows you are annointed so he sends rejection in the realm even if other professing Christians don't and he laughs at them. Why would he use them exactly because he knows who is chosen. Speak Holy Spirit. The jokes on them. Many are called few are chosen. He uses other Christians 2 target the chosen because they have a religous spirit. Speak Holy Spirit. But no weapon is a success. And the devil hates everyone all of them & they let him use them. They worship me with their lips but their heart is far from me because they hate the very apple of my eyes beloved. 2 say they love me but hate you and wanna see you fall is deception. Its a religious spirit. Mm I don't know who needs this. But the ppl God has 4 you will not reject you like they once did before you knew Him and had a relationship with Jesus. And God will prune off those dead branches my God speak Holy Spirit because he knows those branches are making you sick. Whoo!! I'm seeing in the spirit right now how a diseased part of the tree, black bark even all of it needs 2 be cut off or it kills the tree til its dead. Mm He will cut off the infection before it spreads. I decree declare and prophesy that God will comfort you & bind up your wounds and send kingdom relationships that will heal, cover you in prayer in the spirit for the last will be the first in the name of Jesus. Get ready because the stone the builders rejected becomes the cornerstone instead. I don't know who this is for baby but rejection since a kid is confirmation you are chosen, valuable and it is re-direction which is protection and never forget it because who God has for you, you will be treated like a king or queen with respect the way God intended and seen through the eyes of Jesus loved unconditionally valuing you always picked and chosen first knowing what's in front of them. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
John15:2 | Matt15:8 | Eph6:11-12 | Zech2:8 | Psalm147:3 | 1Chron16:22 | Matt20:16 | Psalm118:22 | Matt22:14 | 1Pet2:9 | John15:16
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