Prophetic Word: The Pottery Has 2 Take The Heat Beloved, Before It Comes Together & Transforms Into Perfection
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know who this is for beloved. But someone needs this. I was hearing bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh in the spirit and seeing someone making a bowl out of clay in the spirit and shaping pottery and molding it smoothing out rough edges. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. God is working on Adam, preparing him 2 be a spiritual leader in the home, submissive 2 Holy Spirit, working on his character as a servant going 2 him for wisdom and leading the home as the head an Ephesians5 man and smoothing out the rough edges while He is also making him a woman. Speak Holy Spirit. A Proverbs 31 woman that will be submissive 2 him, keep the home as a homemaker, encourage, love and nurture him and his children and teach them through impartation of revelation. A noble character & virtuous woman is a her kingdom husbands crown beloved. She respects her husband and is submissive 2 him in reverence. Mm. And he treats her like a queen because she is and there should always be mutual respect. Speak Holy Spirit. And this is why you don't be unequally yoked in relationships because you can't submit 2 someone who is abusive, they don't have fruits of the spirit and God will never send you someone who is, catch this, character building, and changing, smoothing out rough edges because all have sinned. Speak Holy Spirit. God created Adam and he took his rib out and made a Woman and helpmate for him. And sewed back up his flesh. And so even before Adam met Eve, he knew she was his missing rib. Why because everything happens first in the spirit. And so even if you don't know yet in your mind or subconscious your spirit already knows and your flesh needs 2 catch up and then it hits. Mm. Before God brought the woman 2 him, he recognized she was his wife in the spirit my God speak Holy Spirit because before they met physically they were already married & husband and wife in the spirit. Mm Don't miss this. Because the 3 fold cord or strand beloved that isn't easily broken, all the love and feelings and emotions everything connected through that cord in the spirit one with them. Adam knew she was his missing rib. Ladies listen. You already are a wife but you become his when he finds you as God brings the woman 2 him. But the man will not recognize his rib yet if she is worldy not acting like one and God is still working on the woman. Whoo!! Because the veil has not yet been lifted. But when the woman is ready for him, God will lift the veil off Adam's eyes and he will recognize his rib, his wife in the spirit because now they are ready 2 come together and equipped. You are annointed 2 be that man's wife and men you are annointed 2 be that woman's husband. Mm because God made them in every way you needed. A woman multiplies what a man gives her beloved. A man gives her a sperm she doesn't give him back the sperm, she gives him a baby instead. When a man buys her a house, she turns it into a beautiful cozy warm home for him 2 come home 2 in the Lord's presence. so if the man gives her a bad day Whoo!! If you don't like what you're getting change what you give. My God speak Holy Spirit because she multiplies what you give. That's a word for someone baby cuz I wasn't going 2 say that little bit but I am flowing with Holy Spirit. Don't like what you're getting change what you give her men. Don't like your harvest change what you're sowing. Im hearing in the spirit don't rush the process. Pottery takes time to come to perfection smoothing out rough edges. Mm. I don't know who this is for baby but you and your person are already bone of your bones and flesh of your flesh while God is working, smoothing out the rough edges because the pottery has 2 take the heat before it comes together and transforms into perfection. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Phill1:6 | Gen2:22-24 | Mark10:9 | 1Cor13:13 | Proverb12:4 | Romans12:2 | Ecc4:9-12 | Proverb31 | Ephesians5:21-25 | Songs of Songs 2:5, 3:4 | Ephesians5:25 | Song of Songs2:16 | Romans12:10
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