Prophetic Word: Til You Come 2 Completion, You Will Go Through Perpetual Growth Beloved Because You Are Going Through A Perpetual Transformation

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was hearing the word perpetual in the spirit and seeing butterflies in the spirit and then seeing bread butterflies and that blue one 2 in Alice in wonderland in the spirit. And then the Holy Spirit told me to look up what it meant. And the root word of perpetual means 2 fly, and continuous or constant. And bread means provision or covenant. Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. When you go through a transformation, you are provided with provision because you are one with Jesus and have his spirit. Speak Holy Spirit. The blue butterfly kept saying 2 Alice who are you some of you here don't know yet and it's because you won't know til you seek Jesus and become born again. When you go into that cocoon I'm hearing isolation in the spirit yes Holy Spirit that season of isolation, you are born again but now you are going through a perpetual transformation. The dying of the caterpillar must happen so that the butterfly can be born transforming you into a new creation. My God speak Holy Spirit or you wouldn't be able 2 fly into the new dimension if you were still the caterpillar and haven't been born again. Mm because until you are born again you cant even enter the kingdom. When you go through this transition, you will be uncomfortable because you are wrapped in a chrysalis and becoming something new in the process but you don't know yet because you are still in the beginning stages of revelation and in isolation. Mhm speak Holy Spirit. But if the Chrysalis is punctured it can cause damage and this is why the Lord keeps you isolation in a fragile state of being a baby Christian and born again kinda like the vision he gave me a year ago?? When I was seeing holes being poked into a Chrysalis in the spirit and the Lord was revealing this was an enemy tactic. Yes because larva in a punctured Chrysalis does not always survive beloved. Speak Holy Spirit but anyone who comes against you in that condition or any, comes against God and his assignment because your gifts your assignment is for his purpose and he contends with those who contend with you beloved. No one can curse what God has blessed. You will go through perpetual growth Neverending & constant until you are finished because you will go through many isolation seasons 2 go from glory 2 glory 2 new dimensions. Im seeing a tall tree in the spirit. I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus you will grow in stature and wisdom & the righteous will flourish like a palmtree and God will finish in you what he started as you go from faith 2 faith and dimension 2 dimension. I prophesy you will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season in the name of Jesus never withering but always prosperous. I don't know who this is for baby but transition and transformation is a process of perpetual growth and dying daily through humility and submission as you become more like Christ everyday becoming a new creation til completion. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

1Cor15:31 | Psalm1:3 | Phill1:6 | Psalm92:12 | Romans12:2 | 2Cor3:18 | 2Cor5:17 | 




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