Prophetic Word: You Got A Friend In Me Beloved, You Will Never Be Forsaken

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit in Toy Story when Andy plays with Woody and watches a movie and shares popcorn with him. Takes him everywhere he goes and they are close friends hearing the song you got a friend in me in the spirit. I dont know who this is for or what you're going through beloved but you got a friend in Jesus. Speak Holy Spirit. You will never be forsaken. The Lord confides in those and is a friend 2 those who fear Him. He's the closest friend you'll ever have beloved. God comes first before any other relationship. I'm hearing in the spirit put God first and you'll never be last beloved. Yes In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that if you seek his will in all you do, acknowledge him then He will direct your paths and show you which path to take beloved. I don't know who needs 2 hear this. But I do everything with Jesus and I am always talking 2 him. I vent. I tell Him secrets. I ask questions. And Holy Spirit responds and tells me things and shows me things in the spirit and reveals secrets. It's called a relationship. Maybe you pray but then you talk so much you don't let him answer you beloved. That's a word for someone after you pray, take time 2 be still and quiet and just listen. Ill go on lunch or supper dates with just me and Holy Spirit. Alone time is needed and if you do it it will change your life beloved. If I don't know what to wear ill ask him. And include him cuz my daddy wants me 2 look good and be confident. Hes not a dead beat dad. He cares beloved. He led me to a song a while ago called what you're worth by Mandisa and told me 2 listen, showing me this woman being rejected by bullies in the spirit and 2 remember your worth beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. When I watch a home reno show, a real estate show a movie, I include him. If I sing or dance in the spirit I include him, he's always there. He wants a relationship. Talk to him like he's in the room beloved. When my kids are watching superbook include Him. If you're baking cookies include him, and have a conversation. And he will show you things beloved. You got a friend in Him. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God beloved. Speak Holy Spirit He will reveal himself so powerfully because your heart posture and all you want his him. Mhm. God is faithful and hes even the sun and shield and honor favor surrounds you even as a shield of protection. He will warn you of ppl sich as snakes wolves snd serpents. He's always a true friend. He's always listening and he will never leave you or forsake you beloved. You got a friend in Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but the more you make time and invest your time in the Lord's presence with Holy Spirit, the more rewards & favor you'll have with God & man in even the little things you would least expect because you are putting God first and seeking & fearing him and doing everything with him in life like a best friend. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

John15:14 | Matthew11:28 | Zech2:8 | Psalm25:14 | 1Chron16:22 | Revelation3:20 | Proverb3:6 | Deuteronomy31:6 | 1Peter2:9 | James4:8 | Matt5:8 | Paalm84:11



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