Prophetic Word: Always Stay Connected 2 The Vine Beloved, & The Branches Will Live & Always Be Prosperous
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was having a conversation with my kids when I was tucking them in getting ready 2 pray in the spirit and putting them 2 bed. about how our body parts internally look like trees and showing this picture 2 my babies of comparison for example lungs vs tree branches and it just took my kids by surprise asking questions and I was explaining 2 them how improtant it is to be with the vine connected but the more the annointing took over as I was talking to them. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit someone outside with green garden gloves on pruning trees and breaking off branches. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. If you are not connected 2 Jesus, the vine, you will perish because branches may be ok a for a few moments but it won't last beloved and if you are, stay connected and you will be prosperous. Speak Holy Spirit. A tree represents life and a branch that is broken represents death because it is no longer connected. If the branch breaks off the tree, those branches cannot produce fruit beloved. This is why Jesus said without me you can do nothing my God speak Holy Spirit because He is the vine, we are the branches. Branches are small parts of the whole tree but they need the tree 2 live because it gives life 2 the branches. Mm Because the branch broken off the vine of the tree is withering & useless because It cannot keep growing more branches. because it's dying because 2 the source it's no longer connected. Whoo!! This is why many branches look very rough, weak and even sick because 2 the vine they aren't connected but without Him the branch can't do anything beloved. Speak Holy Spirit and this is where humility comes in. Pride and ignorance says I don't need the vine 2 survive, I don't need 2 be connected. It's like telling God we don't need him when the branches are disconnected. Mm and this is why need 2 be transformed by the renewing of our minds beloved because we are in this world but not of it. But I prophesy the righteous will flourish like a palmtree producing fruits of the spirit in the name of Jesus.The same way the branches need 2 stay attached to the vine 2 produce fruit 2 live is the same way we need Him 2 produce any fruits of the spirit. Whoo!! Because without him we cannot do anything beloved. A branch disconnected from the vine is spiritually dead. But we're suppose 2 die daily 2 our flesh so that the spirit man in us can live and we walk in the spirit. The vine is life He the way the truth the life beloved. It's like when my Bluetooth is dead can't listen 2 my music. Its like when I use my laptop or phone beloved eventually it goes dead and I need 2 plug in again my God speak Holy Spirit need 2 be charged up again need the battery 2 be 100% full percentage. Whoo!! Without my charger my phone or laptop would be useless, it would be dead. It would have no purpose. Come on Holy Spirit because we must remain and abide in Him. because when the branches are connected 2 the vine we have a purpose we produce fruit beloved, fruits of the spirit glorifying our Abba daddy in Heaven. I dont know who this is for baby but make sure you're always connected 2 the source and stay plugged in because the branches will thrive and prosper if they stay attached 2 the vine and always connected. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
John15:5 | Galations5:22-23 | 1Cor15:31 | 1Peter5:6 | Romans12:2 | John14:6 | John10:10 | Jer29:11 | Ephesians2:10
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