Prophetic Word: The Atmosphere U Create Affects Him, A Wise Woman Builds Her House But A Foolish 1 Tears It Down Beloved

 Heyyy my luuvs. Where's all my ladies at preparing for kingdom marriage. This is one is for you beloved. I saw a man looked about 47 driving in the spirit stuck in traffic and his body language you could tell it was one of those days becuz he looked frustrated and then the Lord showed me in the spirit how the same man came home and this wife was insulting and nagging him and talking 2 him like he was a child just so much disrespect and he was tired and looked defeated and then I came out of the vision. Ladies hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Your kingdom husband needs a helpmate not a mother trying 2 be the head mm he does not need a mother babying him. Come on Holy Spirit. Your kingdom husband can't do his role if you are taking over for him and making him feel insecure talking down on him with disrespect. Whoo!! You are his safe place & this is why you're preparing now beloved. Start the right way before you enter in it. When he gets home from work do not nag him and give him a list of things 2 do the minute he enters in. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Let him relax and shower and wind down understanding the world is a chaotic place and needs you 2 uplift and encourage him. He just came home from a bunch of demons in the world surrouned all contaminated, speak life over him. Wash your mind by reading of the Word beloved. This man in the spirit looked so tired and frustrated. The last thing he wants is 2 come home 2 deal with this woman and nagging him. If you are having a hard day surrender 2 Holy Spirit and create an atmosphere when he comes home and welcome him with a hug and kiss. Get all dressed up and looking your best. Do not plant more problems on him when he already has enough of his own with work and ppl he deals with. Value and honor him and learn his love language because you 2 are one and when one is weak the other carries the weight and uplifts them. Mm and when one suffers the other one does beloved. Ladies when you enter into kingdom marriage, your king will have enough pressures and different kind of warfare because he's the head. Baby, understand this satan goes after the head and the husband is a target because then the whole family follows him and then crumbles with him and satan knows this. Im seeing a cookie crumble in the spirit. This is why it's so crucial 2 pray without ceasing and cover him. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood beloved. Intercede in the spirit and if needed fast for him because when you're one he will be affected in the spirit as the Lord strengthens Him. Never compare your spiritual warfare 2 his and same with you men. They are entirely different. And male and female were designed different. One produces the seed the other multiplies it. Kingdom husband protects & provides in the work environment. Kingdom wife is an incubator nurtures and keeps the home for him. Im seeing shoes in the spirit. And both deal with spiritual warfare in different ways beloved. If you put yourself in his shoes you would have a different perspective and there would be a demand of repect because you cant do what he does because God didn't design you like the men. The same way the man cannot do your role beloved. Learn your role, be content and become the Proverbs 31 woman. And the happier your kingdom marriage because its the way God designed it and in the center is Holy Spirit 4 the wise woman builds her house but a foolish one tears it down beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but when you enter kingdom marriage, the atmosphere you create affects him so even if you also had a hard day be a woman who builds her house with wisdom and not a woman who tears her house down and tears him 2 pieces. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Eph6:11-12 | 1Peter5:8 | Proverb14:1 | Proverb18:21 | Prov31 | Eph5 | Ecc4:9-12 | Proverb21:19 | John10:10


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