Prophetic Word: Be Ready Beloved, A Sudden Unexpected Change Of Direction
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend but always test the spirit. I saw the words spelled out "be ready" twice in the spirit. What is the Lord telling you 2 be ready for beloved. Because God is getting ready 2 make it happen for you whatever it is. I was seeing toy story in the spirit when the toys were trying 2 catch up with the little remote control car 2 the moving truck at the intersection and then the other toys were helping them. So while I was seeing this in the spirit I waited for more confirmation. And then later I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit kids eating snacks & chips and playing the Mario party game on their Nintendo switch. And I noticed in the spirit they picked a board/ maze called Woody woods one in the forest. And in this game, they were going for a while turn after turn the same direction and in the spirit I saw how out of nowhere the arrow just switched and then all the players were suddenly going a different direction. And then I heard in the spirit beloved a sudden unexpected change of direction. Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. When this switch happened, nobody saw it coming it was unexpected. It was sudden. It happened so quick. Mm some of you here have been for a while going the wrong direction but that's all about 2 shift. You've been praying for God's perfect will 2 be done beloved then you better get ready because I decree declare & prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God's word does not return 2 him void and he has plans to make you prosperous living life more abundant. Thankyou Holy Spirit im seeing in the spirit before that arrow switched one of the players landed on Bowser and he kept taking from them my God speak Holy Spirit because the thief comes only 2 steal kill and destroy beloved. See because when we go the wrong direction, the enemy will use that 2 his advantage 2 take authority and keep taking til you have nothing left because he doesnt want you 2 have more blessings & territory instead. Yess I'm seeing him take 20 coins in the spirit. I decree declare and prophesy over you the enemy will return 2 you sevenfold everything he stole from you in the name of Jesus. I'm hearing in the spirit swift. When I saw the gophers switch the arrows & turn direction in the spirit this particular player started winning coins and good things started 2 happen. Because there's a way that seems right 2 man but in the end it leads 2 death and destruction. Speak Holy Spirit. A sudden unexpected change of direction. It's not 2 late for you beloved. I'm hearing someone crying in the spirit. I decree declare & prophesy over you in the name of Jesus complete restoration and for every tear cried and collected is coming an abundant joy harvest & The tables are turning and the arrows are changing direction. The trajectory is changing 2 get back what rightfully belongs 2 you beloved and carry out God's purpose. Whoo!! That's a word for someone cuz im just flowing with the Holy Spirit. Bowser will no longer keep taking from Mario like he once did. Mm. Because he's already defeated. Seeing the toys and moving truck in the spirit represents a move physically or spiritually I hear the spirit of the Lord say higher dimension [2Cor3:18] mm. And a sudden unexpected change of direction is often a higher level and new dimension. It is the the step in the right direction. Speak Holy Spirit where God orders your steps and you begin 2 prosper instead. Bowser won't have anymore access. Whoo!! Because Mario comes out on top every time & wins. I have been also hearing for days a great shaking is about 2 hit [Acts16:26] and it really is. So whatever be ready means 2 you beloved. The arrow I saw in the spirit will change direction unexpected. I don't know who this is for baby but God is not playing, the arrows are changing & there is about 2 be a great shift because when God steps in, anything can happen like a sudden unexpected change of direction. Shalom my luuvs. I love you
with the love of Jesus.
Proverb6:31 | Romans8:28 | John10:10 | Matthew19:26 | Proverb14:12 | Acts16:26 | Jeremiah29:11
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