Prophetic Word: Beloved Be Not Ignorant Of The Devil's Devices, Doors Are Portals & One Of The Ways He Tries 2 Get In
Heyyy my luuvs. A prophetic word warning 4 someone beloved & the devil fought me hard publishing this. I heard someone knocking on a door in the ream, in the spirit. This sounded like real hollow knocking & I heard in the spirit no access. Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. Doors & mirrors are portals so always use disernment. Most of the time, its a warlock or a witch & if it is they are trying 2 illegally access your spirit through witchcraft attempts. Sometimes its not bad & someone like a kingdom spouse you adore & you're soul knit & connected through the cord in the spirit could be trying 2 access your spirit because you're 1 flesh so it's natural 2 talk or see them in the spirit and think alot about them but this is why you need discernment. The knocking is a portal in the realm of the spirit. This is why we use that phrase when we were in sin, close the doors 2 that and this & turn 2 Jesus. Mhm becuz doors are entrys they are portals beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. Some ppl do it intentionally & some don't know their doing with their thoughts and words & ignorant but what happens is manifesting, new age & witchcraft even obsessed, if u can hear & see, u will hear knocking in the spirit. But don't open it what do I mean by that when someone unequally yoked is trying 2 manifest u illegally with a demonic spirit, this is when you battle thoughts of this person because we dont wrestle against flesh and blood beloved. Because they are doing this & you'll even have bad dreams becuz the enemy is trying 2 manifest which is why you rebuke it & take authority over the flesh speak Holy Spirit so if you are going through this and you know its demonic then as God's seer prophetess I beseech thee this is what you do this is your instruction. Rebuke any of those bad thoughts and bad dreams that are not of God and cancel it and rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus. Be not ignorant of satans devices because everything starts first in the spirit so ppl will dabble into demonic spirits 2 access your spirit through manifesting & divination with illegal access. There are a few of you here im hearing in the spirit These are enemies, love interests & ppl obsessed & not opening the door when u hear the knocking in the spirit is denying access. It's rebuking your flesh, dreams & thoughts that are attacking u in that moment. Baby you will know becauze you will feel off and different. You will be like I gotta get a refill pray & rebuke things and get into the Lord's presence. Thus saith the Lord my ppl are destroyed for lack of knowlege. Knowlege is power beloved. If you know who your person is. Im also hearing who God has & ordained 4 you is His will connected, 2 that 3 strand cord you have access because you are 1 flesh, having thoughts of them is from Him. Becuz God joined you 2 together that no man can put asunder in the name of Jesus. Something is wrong if u dont have a lot of thoughts of them becuz you are 1 & can feel them in the spirit. And sometimes the Lord will show you them in the spirit. But always confirm with God beloved. You will know if its not of God in your spirit so if it's demonic or an enemy trying 2 have access then start praying and stay in the Lord's presence when you feel this. It's a spiritual attack and I decree declare and prophesy over you no magic or sorcery against Israel no spell or divination against Jacob and no weapon formed against you shall prosper in the name of Jesus. As for the wicked enemies trying 2 illegally access your spirit plotting your demise beloved, there is no access becuz u are protected. I'm seeing a shield in the spirit. They won't be able 2 penetrate it. & if they do not repent I prophesy Jezebel will perish if she does not leave u alone & repent. A portal is a gateway, door, mirror & entrance. I'm seeing snow white & Mickey mouse in the spirit seeing him go thru a mirror because it's another world its a a portal beloved. Jesus says I am the way & the truth and the life. catch this. No one comes to the Father except THROUGH me. Notice it says through me like a door entrance mm. He says I am the gate, whoever enters through me will be saved and They will come in and go out, and find pasture beloved. Opening doors is coming into agreement but be careful what u come into agreement with. & when u hear knocking in the spirit, the key is discernment. Because demons, warlocks & witches use doors as portals 2 get in, in the realm of the spirit. This is why u guard your heart & protect your ear & eye gates beloved becuz everything you do flows from it. I don't know who this is for baby but always use discernment & be not ignorant of satan's devices, knocking on a door is one of the ways he tries 2 get in. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Matt13:25 | John10:9 | Prov4:23 | Eph6:11-12 | Mark10:9 | Ecc4:9-12 | Num23:23 | John14:6 | 2Cor11:14 | Hosea4:6 | 2Cor2:11@Jesus'Girl8188♡
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