Prophetic Word: Beloved Be Not Ignorant Of Satan's Devices, Hes Looking 4 A Way 2 Come In Btwn U 2 Like He Did W/ Eve In The Garden

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit Noah and Ally outside talking saying so its not going 2 be easy, its going 2 be really hard and were gonna have 2 work at this everyday but I want 2 do that cuz I want you. I want all of you. forever you and me everyday this is what I am hearing in the spirit. So whoever this word is for beloved they want you and none of the counterfeits. When Noah says it's going 2 be really hard beloved. I hear the spirit of the Lord say you have 2 be willing 2 put the hard work in because love is laying down your life 4 them and there will be moments you need 2 rebuke your flesh. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. When you enter kingdom marriage and the honeymoon phase starts 2 fizzle and trials come and tests, don't focus on each others weaknesses. Because your God ordained person is not perfect. They will let you down and there will be inevitable conflict but you work through it. You take authority over your flesh. You gotta remain calm and talk in a mature fashion in the spirit. You gotta be Holy Spirit led and lay down your messy feelings and emotions in the flesh. Speak Holy Spirit and don't idolize your person because they are only human. If something about them bothers you take them to the Lord in prayer and let Holy Spirit change them or situation. If you need 2 argue, argue naked. Remember its you & your person against the kingdom of darkness. Not you against your person. But this is where satan comes in mm kindaaa like talking 2 eve in the garden. Coming Btwn her and Adam. Come on Holy Spirit. Always reconcile and never go 2 bed angry beloved. Speak Holy Spirit dont give the devil an inch because he sows tares amongst the wheat while men slept. My God Speak Holy Spirit. Because hes seeking someone 2 devour like kingdom marriages. And always remember Holy Spirit in the center the 3 strand cord is not easily broken. Speak Holy Spirit. Kingdom marriage is a covenant. Its a covenant between you and God beloved. The flesh will never be satisfied and always want more, like sex but sex is not the solution 2 a problem. Praying in the spirit is. Always remember sex with your kingdom spouse is a great gift but you still need God 2 keep a strong kimgdom marriage. You still need God 2 fill your spirit or there always be a carnal mind or an emptiness. You cannot love your person if you don't have a relationship with Holy Spirit this is why unequally yoked relationships fail & the counterfeits because you can't love them when you don't even know what love is. Whoo!! Light doesn't fellowship with darkness. Your spirit needs God, not sex. Sex is what your flesh wants But no person will ever fulfill that emptiness what your spirit needs beloved. But sex is still needed 2 keep a strong kingdom marriage. Don't ever deprive your kingdom spouse of sex and use it as weapon. Sex is sacred and will strengthen your bond spiritually 2 them but Love is not about getting, it's what you give. You recieve and reap love when you give because what you sow you reap beloved. My God speak Holy Spirit because love is selfless. Gimme gimme attitude is not love beloved its selfish. Ask yourself what I can give this person. How can I demonstrate my love for them because yet while we were sinners Christ died for us and laid down his life for remission of sins. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. True love is not about what you get, it's what you give. True love goes deeper than outward appearance. True love will never stop or end cuz of an argument. Whoo!! you're soul knit. True love is feeling safe with them & walking together hand in hand in the spirit. It's putting God first in your marriage covenant. I don't know who this is for baby but when there is conflict resolve it quick spirit led shut it down, make love quickie sex and pray together in the spirit and be not ignorant of satans devices because he's looking for a way 2 come in between you 2 like he did with eve in the garden. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

Eph6:11-12 | Mark10:9 | 1Cor13:13 | Ecc4:9-12 | John6:63 | 2Cor6:14 | Gal6:8 | Romans8:6-7 | 

@Jesus' Girl8188♡



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