Prophetic Word: Beloved They Will Be Your Safe Place Because They Know What It's Like 2 Be Broken & Rejected, You Can Trust Them & Open Your Heart Up 2 Them 4 You Are Safe With Them

 Heyyy my luuvs. I just recieved another word and I was going 2 wait til 2mrw but I saw the envelope emoji and my profile icon in the spirit confirming 2 not wait, but post it so I gotta release this word and be obedient. You know if its your word because you asked the Lord these questions or thought it.  Somebody here has been asking if the person they are genuinely interested in, will break their heart, or hurt them or rejection but whoever this word is for beloved. The person you are interested in, the Holy Spirit is saying they will be your safe place and you are safe with them because they know what it's like 2 be rejected and this is God sent. Mm I just saw a sparkly diamond in the spirit. This person has been through the fire & the process 2 become a diamond and is a real gem. I'm hearing in the spirit safe haven which means a place refuge or security homestead. I saw a red haired woman in the spirit who was brokenhearted so when she healed moved on and this other shorter man came in, he was interested but she was hesitant. Speak Holy Spirit but this man treated her exactly how God designed them. And she healed because she opened her heart 2 him. But she could have missed out what God had for beloved all because the enemy messed with her head. Whoo!! Whoever this word is for. Hear me by the spirit of God beloved. This is why we always take everyone back to God with relationships because when were younger we were immature & ignorant of satans devices. Because the enemy will send so many counterfeits til you're broken so that when God sends the real deal that will never break you or rejection then by then you are now scared 2 jump in what God ordained & blessed and that's exactly the point the reason because the devil does not want you 2 reach closer 2 your purpose. And satan be like yup this one ok or this one but that one over there don't let them. Because those 2 will be a forced 2 be reckoned with. Because he knows when it's God ordained and God sent it will always be favored a success highly annointed and blessed. But not unequally yoked counterfeits. You asked for signs beloved and this is one of them and your confirmation. So you better get ready because im hearing in the spirit trust me and lean not on your own understanding beloved. I am preparing you and them and they're ready for this. And I prophesy they are healed & it is the right person and they will not break your heart and you will never be rejected because the last becomes the first beloved & God will satisfy your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s in the name of Jesus. I just saw an old couple again in the spirit. This may be connected 2 the word I released Jan10/24 they'll be there when the world stops turning they are all in, so test the spirit. But the girl in the spirit knew what it was like being broken and rejected and she opened her heart 2 him cuz she was all in. The old couple I'm seeing in the spirit represents til death do them part they are all in. You are all they want beloved. And because God confirmed this is God sent, I just prophesy over you what God joined together no man can seperate or put asunder in the name of Jesus. I dont know who this is for baby but when God brings you 2 together you can open your heart 2 them and trust them because God is in it and it isnt like all the other relationships. Speak Holy Spirit. It'll be your safe place like a safe haven because it is kingdom status, you're ready and you are annointed 2 be with them because you belong 2 them Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

1John4:4 | Prov3:5-6 | 2Cor2:11 | Psalm103:5 | Song of Songs2:16 | Proverb31 | Mark10:9 | Matt20:16 Ecc4:9-12 | 1Cor13:13 | Proverb3:15 | 1Cor13:11 




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