Prophetic Word: Beloved You Are In Discomfort Because You Are Being Stretched, The Real Contractions Dont Stop & They Get Closer & More Intense

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I saw someone in the spirit playing with blue and purple play dough rolling it out and being pressed at solid wooden table and I saw someone else in the spirit playing with this very slimy nutty putty that stretches. For those of you who do not know what it is, it's similar 2 play dough except its more slippery and it really stretches. I am hearing in the spirit you are uncomfortable because you are being stretched. You do not know what I am doing right now beloved but soon it will all make sense. Whoever this is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. When a pregant woman is due or over due, she is stretched. This is why not all but many women get stretch marks while they are pregant because quick growth and weight gain from baby stretches the skin my God speak Holy Spirit because when its overstretched, the protein in the layer of skin is disrupted. And as you stretch, It changes, it makes room for the growth development whoo!! It will be uncomfortable through the process. Mm somebody here is uncomfortable but growing in faith and trials so quick you are overstretched because you are overdue with purpose. Your gifts are making room in the uterus Whoo!! As baby grows within, the fetus requires more space til you have a baby bump and stretched. Your annointing is making room for God's kingdom and He is stretching your faith beloved becuz u are preparing 4 the position, the spiritual birth and your faith is needed but as u are stretched & over due pregnant. God is positioning u in birthing position mm come on Holy Spirit & some days u will have energy other days u need more rest. Some days u will feel nauseous other days you'll get the fake contractions braxton hicks that are preparing the body 4 the real contractions but u are there hun which is why many of u are going thru [warfare, fatigue, pain, mind battles] that morning sickness mm of such unbearable contractions because once the contractions start beloved they get closer together & more intense. They do not stop when it's the real contractions so rejoice because it's almost over then. You are over due with purpose & your assignment but the warfare is like having contractions & the more spirtual warfare is just confirmation that baby is close mm I feel the annointing & the closer it gets. I'm seeing a hospital bed & a birthing position in the spirit. Yes it's discomfort but when baby comes its worth all the pain of going through it [warfare]& being stretched. Jesus was getting ready 2 launch into his world wide ministry which was big beloved & along came the devil in the wilderness, here comes the devil tempting Jesus trying 2 cause a disruption after 40 days of fasting, Jesus was hungry & Satan starts the topic off with bread. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You are being stretched, you are hungry, weary & tired and along comes the devil trying 2 tempt you 2 quit believing 4 the promise, trying 2 tempt u 2 quit or cause a miscarriage because u are giving birth 2 purpose & fulfilling your kingdom assignment impacting millions so the devil tries 2 stop it just like he was tempting Jesus with all the earthly kingdoms 2 rule with Him. The attacks & spiritual warfare hun is just confirmation that the devil cannot stop it. But I decree declare & prophesy over you in the name of Jesus if you don't quit the devil will & the warfare will come 2 an end becuz when you submit 2 God, the devil will flee when you resist him. The servant is not greater than His master beloved. If Jesus had 2 go through suffering & temptations what makes you think you are exempt. Jesus had a Gethsemane, a Judas, and Wilderness. You wanna be like Jesus?? Mm Baby that's the test while you're being uncomfortably stretched. Be a servent & you're going 2 go through things He did 2 come 2 perfection. Whoo!! I just saw someone blowing pink bubble gum in the spirit. I hear the spirit of the Lord say you're getting ready 2 pop beloved. The promises of God are coming so get ready 2 push because you're spiritually in position. Push through all the spiritual warfare beloved. I speak strength 2 your body and mind 2 keep pushing through it. I speak joy over you as you get ready 4 the delivery of your promise. I call you healthy & blessed and I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus double for your trouble & the good work Jesus began in you, he will finish it. I don't know who this for baby but the reason you've been in discomfort & so much warfare is becuz u are being stretched, & God is watching over His Word 2 fulfill it & perform it. Baby, stay in position because you are going 2 prosper & live life more abundant & God is making room 4 your gifts as you're getting ready 2 push in that birthing position. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.

Isaiah60:22 | Phill1:6 | Isaiah66:9 | 2Cor1:20 | Prov16:18 | Isaiah54:17 | Num23:19 | Isaiah43:19 | Jer1:12 | Jer29:11


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