Prophetic Word: If I Can?? All Things Are Possible 2 Those Who Believe Beloved
Heyyy my luuvs. I don't know this is for beloved for a couple days now I've seen an empty fuel tank in the spirit but I waited to see if the Lord had more details so I waited for more confirmation and then I saw it again and as I pressed in it was someone's car in the spirit who was on the side of the road in a blizzard ran out of fuel but it was more than just that because the hood was open and broken down something was wrong it. Maybe the engine?? Whoever this word is for hear me by the spirit of God beloved. I don't know what happened 2 you that broke you down so bad or what happened. I don't know why you're feeling hopeless & exhausted but I rebuke and cancel this demonic assignment that is leaving you stuck, stranded, stagnated and broken. I'm hearing disappointed in the spirit. I'm also seeing the word regret spelled out in the spirit and the blizzard is representing can't see clearly confusion. Mm baby don't miss this. It's not over for you no matter how hopeless. You can't see what God is doing but hes using that situation 2 change you beloved. I'm hearing in the spirit if you can do something or help us in Mark 9 when the man's son needed deliverance from a demon that was trying 2 harm him and he said if. Mm someone here thinks that it's hopeless but Jesus is saying if I can?? Don't you know that everything is possible 2 those who believe beloved. There is no situation that Jesus can't turn around in an instant but you must have faith 2 recieve it. But I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus if you stretch your faith & put your faith and trust in Him, you will see a turn around 2 get you back on the road again fueled up fixed up from being broken. I speak 2 your body, heart, mind, soul 2 come into complete kingdom order in the name of Jesus. You may think it's over for you and nothing ever changes but the devil is lying you 2 beloved. Because when you give your heart and life 2 Jesus, it only begins. Jesus is just getting started. Speak Holy Spirit. And I decree declare and prophesy over you in the name of Jesus complete renewal of mind, and restoration that God would take the stony heart out and give you a new heart of flesh, bind your wounds and give you a new spirit. And I prophesy the good work he began in you, he will finish what he started. It's not over beloved. Every season has an expiration date and you are coming out that low season. You are coming out of that broken down situation. And whatever is making you exhausted, ok so you're not sleeping at night. I'm seeing someone in the spirit tossing and turning and up every couple hours from this. But I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus sweet sleep again and a peace that surpasses all understanding that makes no sense and God will mount you up with wings like eagles restoring your strength again. I don't know who this is for baby but no matter how broken down you are out of fuel just stuck stranded stagnated, get into the Word & pray 2 fuel up again, pursue holiness & righteousness, wait for Him & lean not on your understanding surrender the situation and just put your trust and faith in Him, He will restore you and get you back on the right road again. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
Prov3:5-6 | Phill1:6 | Isaiah40:31 | Eph6:11-12 |Ezek36:26 | Joel2:25 | Psalm147:3 | 1Peter5:8 | Mark9:21-24 | Matt19:26 | John10:10
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