Prophetic Word: What You Plant Affects Your Garden Of Life Beloved, There Is Power In The Tongue Of Life Or Death

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. As a seer I see things in the spirit no matter where I am or where I've been but when I'm in the water, that's when I see so vivid in the spirit. Different dimensions. And I saw 2 things in the realm but I'll start with this one first because for someone this is so prophetic in this season. Be so careful baby what comes out of your mouth this winning season. Whoever this word is for beloved you went through some things and passed tests now God is elevating you in your waiting season. The devil cannot cancel the annointing or the T Blessing of abundance but he will try 2 get you 2 self sabatoge with your negative words through the wilderness season. Don't grumble and complain like the israelites did and dont forget the Lord your God when he does it for you beloved. Word of wisdom hunny speak only life and watch your life blossom. Whoo!! Holy Spirit Ahhh I just saw a cherry blossom tree in the spirit I'm also seeing the one in Mulan in a different realm in the spirit. Mm yesss speak only life and your life will be a complete gorgeous transformation. When I was in the water I saw in the spirit someone with black pants on and a green shirt was planting seeds in a garden but then I saw words spelled out over them in the spirit and the death seeds that were planted sprung up as 3 ft thistles and the life seeds were fruit & veggies but there were so many seeds of death sown and planted that that it actually choked out the seeds of life the vegetables even my God speak Holy Spirit representing fruit of the spirit and the thistles took over beloved and there was no fruit left. Mm It was just nothing but seeds and barren. Whoah!! I feel the annointing ok hear me by the spirit of God beloved if your words you speak have the power of life and death & wreckless words pierce like a sword but the tongue of the wise brings healing than be careful what comes out of it. Because sowing produces harvest and who you hang around with will also determine your mouth and behavior because bad company corrupts good character beloved because words are seeds & God is not mocked for what you sow you will reap a harvest for the power of the tongue is life or death. So which seeds are you sowing beloved because you will see what you say whether it'd be negative or positive or life or death. Thistles can get up to 6 feet tall in some cases this is why we need 2 watch for weeds because the devil sows tares among the wheat while men slept. And we wonder why out fruit of the spirit isn't prosperous my God speak Holy Spirit because the weeds are trying to choke out the flowers fruits and veggies in the garden. But I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus the locusts will eat no more and you'll be like a tree planted by streams of water, bearing fruit each season. Your leaves never wither, and in all you do you'll be prosperous. I don't know who this is for baby but if words are seeds then be vigilant of the words you speak which are planted, don't sow thistles and expect an abundant harvest. Shalom my luvvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 

John15:2,5 | 1Cor15:33 | Psalm1:1-3 | Matthew13:24-26 John10:10 | Proverb12:18 | Proverb18:21 | Galations6:7


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